Two for the Price of One

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Me, Carl and Negan were making pasta bolognaise. This was making the list of top ten things I'd never thought would happen. Negan was making the sauce, Carl was making the pasta and I was doing the garlic bread, making drinks and laying the table.

I looked over to the front door and saw Olivia entering with the lemonade stuff in her hands. I caught a glimpse of Tara behind her. I hadn't had a chance to talk to Tara since she came back, I made a mental note to check in on her. She had to come back to be thrown into the Negan deal and her girlfriend being dead.

The table was set, and the food was ready. I helped Olivia bring over the glasses of lemonade and put them next to the glasses of water. I went to sit down, but Negan tutted at me. "We're going to need another setting." I rolled my eyes, I hated to be doing what he told me. "Keep rolling your eyes, Ellie Belly. Maybe you'll find a brain back there."

"Bite me." I said, just loud enough for him to hear. He simply laughed in return.

When I set another place, we sat around the table. Me, Carl, Olivia and Negan that is. He told us that we were to wait for Rick to come back before we could eat. I'm not gonna lie, I was starving, but I didn't want to risk Negan bringing Lucille down on anybody. Negan sighed. "I'm not waiting for your dad anymore. I don't know where the hell he is, but Lucille is hungry." Negan raised the bat and put it on the empty chair that was meant for Rick. Negan grabbed a napkin and tucked it into his shirt. "Carl, pass the garlic bread." When Carl didn't move, Negan looked taken aback. "Please."

I kicked Carl's foot under the table. He glanced at me before grabbing the small basket and handing it to Negan.

It was a slow, quiet, tense dinner. Me, Olivia and Carl were cleaning up while Negan wondered around with a glass of lemonade in his hand. "That was the most awkward dinner I've had since Isabella had the leader of the Vipers over for dinner and I accidentally gave him salmonella. He lived, but uh... Yea. My bad."

Carl looked at me, with furrowed eyebrows and his eye was slightly narrowed. "You've had a strange life haven't you."

"It's dragging on a bit now." I nodded.

Me, Carl and Olivia were on the porch as we watched Spencer and Negan begin to play on a pool table on the road outside of the house. We stood on the porch with our arms crossed over our chests, all just glaring at the two men. I didn't particularly like Spencer, but that's because I didn't know him well and I automatically assume all people are shit. I'm very open about my feelings towards Negan.

To generalise the boring ass conversation: Spencer was basically dragging Rick's name which made my blood boil, I almost yelled at him to stop, but with Olivia taking my hand and squeezing it, I remained calm. Spencer wanted Rick dead and for Spencer to be the leader. This was bullshit because Rick's the best damn leader this world ever saw. Then, what took us all by surprise is when Negan took out his knife and full on stabbed Spencer in the gut. Gasps came from everyone, including me, as I squeezed Olivia's hand tighter in shock. Negan dragged the knife across and pulled out, we watched as Spencer's guts literally fell onto the concrete. 

"Oh shit." Carl muttered, his one eye staring in horror. 

Negan had said something, taunting Spencer, but I couldn't hear him as my ears were ringing in shock. I could feel my dinner churning in my stomach as I watched Spencer holding onto his own guts as he fell to his knees. It only took a couple seconds for him to fall to his side. Very dead.

Rosita was at the front of the crowd which had gathered to watch. She was staring at Spencer, shaking with anger. Negan picked up Lucille instead of his knife. "Now, someone outta get up here and clean up this mess up." Negan commanded, but nobody moved. "Oh." Negan pointed towards the crows with Lucille. "Anyone wanna finish the game? Come on. Anybody?... Come on!" He laughed. "I was winning."

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now