Broken Family

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When we got to the prison it was night. Carl let us through the gate, and we drove up the path and Rick let us through the gate onto the yard. We saw that some of the yard was littered with dead walkers because one of the fences had come down, but Rick and Carl handled it.

We jumped out of the car and Rick ran over to us. "You get the meds?" He questioned.

"Yea. How's Sophia?" I questioned.

"Last time I checked she was okay." Rick replied.

"Sasha?" Tyreese pushed.

"I don't know. I'm sorry." Rick shook his head.

"Bob, Tyreese, Ellie, take the meds. We'll help handle the fence." Michonne said.

Me, Bob and Tyreese had run all the way to cell block A. The door was open so I ran to find Sophia. I saw a couple dead bodies, but I didn't care, not until I knew where Sophia was. I finally saw her, laying on a bed, Lizzie kneeling by her side. Sophia was pale, her eyes were shut, and she was covered in sweat. "Is- is she... Is-" I stuttered.

"She's alive." Lizzie responded. "She just wore herself out helping everybody."

"Go help Bob with the medicine, would ya?" I requested. Lizzie nodded before running out of the room. I sat on the bed next to Sophia and took her hand in mine. "Soph?" I whispered. "Please. I need you to wake up."

She groaned and stirred in her sleep, before she slowly and gently blinked open her eyes before making eye contact with me. "Hey." She said, her voice was scratchy and hoarse, she looked ill and terrible... But she still managed to smile. She coughed so I helped her onto her side as I watched blood leave her mouth.

"Get that medicine in here!" I shouted into the hall. Sophia lay back on the bed once her coughing fit was done, her eyes were closed again. I checked her pulse. She was alive.

We'd set up an IV drip but since we didn't have one of those metal things, I held it in the air. My arm was going dead, but I wouldn't compromise Sophia's health by moving it. I heard footsteps behind me so I turned to face who turned out to be my dad. "Hi, baby." Dad said quietly, sniffling slightly.

"Hey, daddy." I answered.

Dad walked over and sat behind me. He reached forward and took the IV from me so I could let my arm rest. I shook my arm slightly before letting it rest on my lap. "How she doing?"

"Hershel said that she'll be okay." I replied.

"Good." Dad said quietly. "I gotta talk to you about something."

I turned around to face him, still sitting on the bed. "What is it?"

"Carol." Dad stated, fear took over me, and he saw this. "She's okay." Dad quickly assured me. 

I nodded, a sigh leaving my mouth at the relief. "Then what?" I questioned, fidgeting with my necklace.

"She uh..." Dad trailed off. "She left."

I blinked a couple times, not really processing what he said. "What do you mean she left?"

"It's bullshit... You don't need to know the details. She's okay, she's got supplies, weapons-" I interrupted.

"She's gone? She just upped and left?" I interrogated him.

"It wasn't really by choice. She wants to be here with you and your sister." Dad insisted.

"Then why isn't she?" I raised my voice slightly. Tears stinging my eyes.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." Dad whispered.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now