The Last Goodbye

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**Daryl's POV**

I could tell she was close, and as much as it killed me, I wanted to make my little girl feel comfort in her final moments. "I promise, I'll do all of that, my love." I kissed her forehead. "Goodnight, angel. Sweet dreams." I whispered against her soft skin. Even in death, she was still my beautiful little princess. I felt her eyes flicker closed against me. My baby was gone. I pulled back to look at her face. Her eyes were closed. She looked so peaceful. However, this didn't stop the loud, angry, heart wrenching sob that pulled from my lips. I pulled her into my chest as I screamed. I couldn't control myself; I'd failed her. The person I had sworn to protect ever since I first held her in my arms, was gone, in my arms once again. "My baby! Oh god, why my little girl!" I yelled out, rocking her little, still, frame back and forth. "I'm sorry, darling. Oh god, I'm so, so sorry." My voice cracked as I wept over her. "Please, wake up, angel. Please, I need you. There ain't no me if there ain't no you. Please, baby." Of course, she didn't wake. She's always been my angel, but now... She really was an angel who just found her way home. I stayed with her for a few more moments, before a thought popped into my mind. I grabbed a small knife from my pocket, and flicked it open. I leaned her back so I could press the blade to her temple. "Daddy's sorry, my love. I'm so sorry." I pushed the blade in to penetrate her brain. She wouldn't want to be one of them. More sobs left my mouth as I pocketed the knife. I had to get us out of there. The detonator was still inside, a walker could step on it. I whispered to her, as I stood up. "Daddy's got you, baby. You're safe. I'm right here." I told her, as I began to quickly move us away from the building.

I had my right arm around her upper back, and my left under her knees as we moved. I made sure to hold her head close to my chest. I just wanted her to know that I wouldn't leave her. I'd never leave her again. That for a change, it was her leaving me. I made so many mistakes when it came to raising her... I wanted to fix it. We had so many plans for when Rick and Michonne got back. All of them now ruined without her.

The busses were in sight, but they were a far distance. I began walking when I was a safe distance from the building. I couldn't bring myself to run anymore. I wasn't tired, she wasn't heavy in my arms... But, I now had to show my other daughter, her sister's body. I had to show Ellie's mother, her daughter's body. I had to reveal Ellie's death to Rosita. Rick and Michonne only just reunited with her. Carl and her only just made up. Now, she's gone.

I heard the building explode behind me, I felt the wind hit my back... But, I didn't turn around. I didn't flinch. Nothing in me changed with the explosion. Holding my daughter the way I did when she was born, when Dale shot her, when I was visiting her farm house and I wanted to move her over in bed... I was now holding her dead body. Nobody should have to lose somebody like that. Especially a father who just got his little girl back.

I saw their silhouettes in the distance: Sophia, Rick, Carl, Carol, Rosita and Michonne. I wished I had died with her. How would I live on without Ellie? How could I show our family the news? How could I break to Maggie? She just lost Glenn.

They started running towards us, Sophia getting to us first. "What knocked her out?" Sophia asked. Over her dress she had put on the jacket Ellie had given her the day before. I stopped walking. I couldn't get the words out. Maybe if I didn't say them, it wouldn't be real. Sophia stopped her run, everyone else stopping a few feet behind her. Nobody had realised yet. Sophia slowly started walking closer to us, furrowing her eyebrows at Ellie's asleep face. It took her a moment, Ellie's blood not being obvious over her black dress... But, she spotted where I had to put the blade through her temple. Instantly, Sophia fell to her knees, letting out the most pained scream I'd ever heard. She couldn't get out a single word as her scream turned into loud sobs. I had one daughter in my arms, the other at my feet. Sophia was underneath Ellie, leaning onto my legs as her sobs came loud and hard. She couldn't speak. This was the worse than when Jacob died, worse than when Enid died... Ellie was the first girl to show her friendship. To show her the love of a sibling bond. Ellie was always there for her. I knew she felt alone after this.

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