Target Practise

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I woke up in an empty tent. I peered around for my dad, but he wasn't there. I left the tent to see if I could spot him, however I couldn't. "Hey, Carol. Have you seen my dad?" I asked her as she was hanging up laundry with Lori. 

"Yes, sweetheart. He's gone out looking for my boy." Carol responded.

"He's gone alone? Why didn't anyone wake me up?" I panicked.

"Daryl said you needed the sleep." Lori answered.

I shook my head and started walking towards the forest. "Where are you going?" Carol called after me.

"To go help him." I replied, over my shoulder.

"You can't go out there alone!" Lori yelled.

"I have too." I responded.

I was walking through the field when someone caught up to me. "Ellie, you're not allowed out there. You're still resting, remember?" Glenn told me, I knew Carol and Lori had sent Glenn after me.

"Someone has too. It's dangerous out there." I replied.

"We have multiple people out there looking for Jacob." Glenn tried.

"And who went with my dad? Nobody, cause he's a hard to love bastard but I love him so I gotta go get him." I answered.

"Your dad can handle this stuff. He's gone out there every single day by himself and he comes back every time. Your dad's an amazing tracker, you know that. He'll find his way back. He always does." Glenn reminded me.

"But I don't want him to be out there by himself." I stopped walking and turned to Glenn.

"He's not. He's got a horse." Glenn smiled.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Yes." Glenn scoffed with a grin causing me to smile.

"Well, I can't just sit around here waiting for him to come back. I want to do something. Something to help." I insisted.

"You could learn to defend yourself. If something ever happens to this place and we're ever not safe, it would be a lot easier on everyone if you, Sophia and Carl can shoot and stab." Glenn pointed out.

"Who's gonna train us?" I asked.

"Shane's showing Carl today. I'm sure you and Sophia could tag along. Come on, let's go find him." Glenn grabbed my hand, and we started walking back towards camp.

"So, what's with you and Maggie?" I questioned.

"What?" Glenn asked in a high pitched voice.

"I saw the way you looked at her. The way she looked at you." I smiled at his growing blush.

"No, I don't know what you're talking about. Whatever you think you saw? You're wrong. And you can't tell anybody. I know what you girls are like with your gossip." Glenn rambled.

I laughed. "Sure, Glenn. Sure."

He cleared his throat. "I wonder where Shane is."

"We have to get Sophia first." I stated.

"Ya know where she is?" Glenn asked.

"Probably looking at the horses." I guessed.

Me and Glenn had found Sophia looking at the horses before he took us out to where Shane was showing Carl to shoot. Sophia was obviously slow due to her crutches, but we finally made it over to them. "Two more customers?" Glenn said, putting his hands on the backs of mine and Sophia's heads.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now