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Nobody cried when they found out about mum's death. I wasn't surprised, if her own daughter didn't cry for her then who would? Dad had told Rick about why I was out there with mum, but everyone else just thought we'd been for a walk. Rick needed to know, nobody else did. I even told dad about the real reason I had two black eyes which were starting to fade and a scar on my face. My cut real had scarred, I figured it might go away, but it didn't. Now, I'd have a constant reminder of my mother for the rest of my days, however long that might be.

 Now, I'd have a constant reminder of my mother for the rest of my days, however long that might be

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Rick and Shane had come back, with Randall and injuries on their faces. They didn't say anything, but me and Sophia kinda figured out that they'd had some form of fight with each other from the tension between them as well. We'd locked Randall in a shed, handcuffed and all. Dad was in with him and asking him some questions. He was in there for nearly an hour before he walked back over to me and the rest of the group. I instantly noticed the blood on his knuckles. Me and Sophia were sitting down on one of the logs next to the small fire where we were cooking pasta for lunch for everyone.

"Boy there's got a gang. Thirty men. Got heavy artillery and they ain't looking to make friends. They roll through here; our boys are dead... Our girls are gonna... Gonna wish they were." Dad seemed like he struggled to say the bit about the girls as he looked over to me and Sophia who were peacefully cooking pasta.

"What did you do?" Carol asked, also noticing the blood on dad's knuckles.

"Had a little chat." Dad responded, coming to sit over by me so I handed him a plate of plain pasta. We didn't have any sauce sadly. "Thanks, baby." Dad smiled before grabbing a fork.

"Nobody goes near this guy." Rick announced.

"Rick, what are you gonna do?" Lori asked.

Rick sighed and shook his head. "We have no choice. He's a threat. We have to eliminate the threat."

"You're just gonna kill him?" Dale asked.

"This is delicious, girls. Good job." Dad said to me and Sophia, trying to distract us from the fact that Rick was announcing we were going to kill a man.

"Thank you." Sophia smiled shyly but my eyes were focusing on Dale and Rick's interaction.

"It's settled, I'll do it today." Rick nodded, before starting to walk away.

Later that day, me, Sophia and Carl were playing piggy in the middle. I was in the middle while Sophia and Carl were successfully throwing the ball over my head. We were laughing as I kept trying to jump in the air to grab the ball, but pretty much failing miserably. "Hey, kids." Dale greeted as he walked over to us.

"Hi, Dale. Any luck convincing anyone?" Sophia asked, Dale had been talking to each member of the group to see if he could save the prisoner's life.

"None so far." Dale shook his head.

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