Journey to The End

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Maggie was ill. Like, really ill. We needed to take the RV to get her to the doctor in Hilltop. Glenn, Michonne and Rosita still weren't back with my dad and I was starting to worry. Rick was forced to come back from the search for my mum, but Morgan (who he went with) stayed out there looking for her. I had hope I'd see her again, but it was mixed feelings regarding the way she just upped and left her daughters without saying goodbye.

Me, Sophia, Enid and Carl were in the armoury. Me and Carl were stocking up on machine guns just in case. "Glenn's still not back. I need to be there for Maggie." Enid stated.

"I said no." Carl replied.

"Carl." Enid tried.

"Look, you were wrong before. This place isn't too big to protect. And, you need to stay back and help protect it." Carl responded.

"This place is ready. Most of us have been trained, you know that. If you were worried about an attack, you wouldn't be leaving." Enid argued.

"You know how far the Hilltop is? You know what could happen?" Sophia questioned.

"Then why are you letting Ellie and Carl go?" Enid retorted.

"You try bossing Ellie around and see what happens. Rick's already given Carl the go ahead and since mine and Ellie's parents are currently absent, Rick and Michonne are the next parents and since he's going and Michonne's god knows where..." Sophia trailed off.

"Listen, Enid." I started. "Those Saviours are still out there. You know what they did to Denise, what they tried to do with Maggie and my mum... What they would've done to my dad, Rosita, Eugene, the ginger... I'm not letting another one of our people die to them."

"Ellie." A boy's voice said from the doorway.

I looked over to see my classmate. "Ben? What do you want?"

"Can I talk to you?" He questioned.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't let her come." I ordered Carl and Sophia before walking out of the room. I had nothing against Enid, but I knew she needed to stay here with Sophia. "What do you want?" I repeated once I shut the door behind me.

"Can I come with you?" The young boy asked. He was a couple years older than me, but he acted younger than me. He acted how I would if I hadn't seen what the world is really capable of.

"Absolutely." I said with a smile before frowning. "Not. What the hell is wrong with you? No you can't come with us. The hell are you thinking?"

"I want to help." Ben insisted.

I hummed. "You can help by staying here and staying with your mother. You can help by following the plan in case the Saviours attack. You understand?"

"But you're my best friend-" Ben started.

"I'm your what now?" I raised my eyebrows.

"My best friend." He repeated. "Sam was my only friend... You're the only kid my age left. Therefore we're automatically best friends. You can't disagree because Sophia and Carl are your sister and brother, the other people from your group is your family and you don't talk to anyone else."

"I talk to Aaron." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Your best friend can't be a thirty six year old white dude." Ben raised an eyebrows.

I let out a breath. "Oh, crap, you really are my best friend. I don't even like you and you're my best friend."

Carl and Sophia opened the door and walked past us. I looked inside and didn't see Enid, but I heard her calling for Carl and Sophia. They locked her in the closet. I just shut the door and shook my head. "So, best friend, can I come with you?" Ben questioned.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now