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"Why would you go and start a fight with him, Steve?" I asked once Eddie had left the room to us, keeping my eye on him as he winced from the nurses touch.

"Because he's a creep-OW." Steve yelled out as the nurse wiped away a thick amount of blood from a cut on his forehead.

"Stay still, boy." She ordered him. I stifled a laugh at her and watched Steve try to do the same thing. "Haven't you already been in a detention with the principal last week?" She asked him, cleaning a utensil on the table behind her.

"Yes." Steve replied bluntly, knowing what she was about to say.

"Well, I hope you're looking forward to being expelled, son." She replied as if it meant nothing, as if this news wouldn't change somebody's life.

"Expelled?!" Steve exclaimed in shock, looking over to me like he had just seen a ghost. I saw Mrs Pickering's top lip quiver to stop herself from laughing. I rolled my eyes.

"She's trying to piss you off." I muttered to him, shaking my head at her. He turned back to look at her face.

"You're joking?" He asked with a sense of relief.

"Of course, but you will be in detention again for the last week of term." She told him, threading the last remaining stitch through his eyebrow. "There you go hon, take these twice a day for the pain and swelling and here's a note for your gym teacher excluding you from all physical activities. I do not want to see you here for a reason such as this again, Mr Harrington." She told him sternly before ushering us out of the room.

"Yes, noted." He nodded with his lips in a thin line, picking himself up from the chair and following me from the room.

"What class do you have?" I asked him as we stood outside of the nurse's office.

"Calculus I think, but I'm not going. I think I might just go home." He replied back almost in a whisper with his hands in his trouser pockets. I nodded.

"Okay. If you need anything I'm only a phone call or drive away." I told him, embracing him in a soft hug as not too hurt him.

"Thankyou Kim." He said, smiling down at me before walking off and around the corner so I could no longer see him. I sighed, putting my hands over my hands and crouched down so my bum was almost touching the floor.

I hadn't known it was the end of term this Friday and it upset me, because school was my only escape from my parent's constant bickering and my mothers looks of disgust and disappointment every time her eyes landed in my direction. I think the worst thing about her behaviour was that she was a whole new woman when I had friends over, but the second they left it's back to slurs and arguments.

I wiped away the tears I didn't know were falling down my face and stood up, wiping down my uniform and mentally cursing at the blood stains from Steve when I picked him up. With a sigh, I walked to the stairs for biology and ascended them quickly, trying not to miss out on too much.

I opened the door and walked over to Eddie at our table, ignoring the looks from the class.

"Why are you late, Miss Cassidy?" Mr Cooper stopped his lesson to ask. I sat on my stool and sighed at him.

"Steve got his ass beat so I took him to Mrs Pickering and helped him get cleaned up." I told him the truth, listening to the indistinctive chatters from the students.

𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐒 - 𝐄𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now