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I woke up from the night of Steve's party in my own bed with my own pyjamas on, without Eddie. I assumed that after we used up a few of Steve's condoms, I had fallen asleep and Eddie had taken me home.

I can't believe we had sex. I can't believe that's what mine and Eddie's relationship had become all because of a few honest words from one another. It wasn't the right way to go about whatever we were, but it was so amazing. The way it made my body tingle was unexplainable and I wish I had the words to describe how Eddie had made me feel last night but I just couldn't. The words were jammed up in my head and they were refusing to disintegrate from my mouth.

I rubbed my eyes of sleep and sat up once I was fully awake. Taking a look at the alarm clock, I groaned and threw my legs out of the bed. I quickly shuffled my way into my parents room and found the boys flat out for the first time in their entire existence. My mums hand was leant over the top of Andrews cot whilst my dad lay on his side facing Michael's with his pacifier (or dummy for us brits) in his hand. Wow. They actually parented for the first time in a whole year.

However, this was obviously a one off. For the next month I required the skill to completely remove Maureen's presence from my life as she only got worse, and Michael and Andrew only screamed louder.

"Kimberly!. How many times have I told you to stop leaving your shit all over the place?!." Maureen yelled at me from the kitchen as I brushed my teeth in our shared bathroom. I rolled my eyes and ignored her, knowing it was probably just one of my magazines or an old piece of homework I had forgotten to move from the counter.

After a few seconds I heard Michael screaming at the top of his lungs for some attention and I sighed, spitting my toothpaste out and rinsing my mouth.

"Kimberly!. Come and help me with your brother!." Maureen shouted up to me again.

"Just give me a second!." I snapped unintentionally.

"No!. Now!." She yelled back and I groaned. "You don't tell me what to do in my own house!." More shouting.

I walked sluggishly out of the bathroom and down the stairs to where my mother and brothers were sat.

"What's up, little guy?." I asked Michael as he held out his hands for me. I tutted and picked him up, listening to his cried quiet down.

"Clean your shit up." Maureen grumbled at me as she walked around the lounge picking at things.

She was an odd woman.

"What is it?." I asked her and walked from the lounge to the open kitchen.

"How am I supposed to know?." She snapped. "It's your bloody stuff." She growled and knocked something over, startling me a little. I leant over the counter and picked up the folded piece of paper. I unfolded it and found it was one of the letters that Eddie had wrote for me last Christmas, something I had completely erased from my mind.

It still hurt to know I wasn't as important to him as I had once thought, and looking down at the letter, reading all the beautiful things he said to me just made the heart ache so much harder to deal with, because the words he had wrote for me in this peace of paper was the reason I was still so in love with him.

"Put Michael in his chair and coke and help me with this bookshelf." My mothers voice sounded in my ears and I wanted to scream at her.

When would I ever escape this hell?.

𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐒 - 𝐄𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now