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Pushing open the doors to the front entrance of school, I saw Eddie waiting for me in the middle of the road, ready to take me home.

We never had a plan for things like who's taking who home, and I think this pissed Steve off a bit. I feel like he felt betrayed, almost as if I was abandoning him for some boy I hardly knew..but the thing was, I think I knew Eddie better than he knew himself.

When he actually put his mind to something, you saw the potential and the intelligence he had for whatever it was he was doing. An example; Eddie was amazing at playing the guitar, and I know, I know, I haven't ever spoken too deeply about what me and Eddie got up to when it's just us and well..that's mostly because it's just sex..like..a lot..of sex. Besides the point, I would watch him every Tuesday play with his band, Corroded Coffin, and the majority of those Tuesdays I would be cleaning blood from his fingertips because of how determined and passionate he was about the music and his band.

However, there was nothing about Eddie that I didn't know, except his parents. His parents were a touchy subject, and I had only pried once which is something I will never do again..

My head lay back against the white and plump pillows lay against the headboard to Eddie's bed. I sighed contentedly as the relaxation of my muscles began to flow through my body, closing my eyes and listening to the sound of Eddie walking around in his room.

"What are you doing?" I asked into the air without looking at him, concentrating on the patter of his bare feet moving in all sorts of directions besides me.

"Just looking for some music notes, princess." He replied and I could hear the smile in his tone. "What are you doing?" He asked my question in return.

"Waiting for you to come and lay with me and stop fussing about, ruining the inner peace I have come to terms with whilst laying in your bed." I opened my eyes as I spoke, turning my head to the right and watching him as he had his back to me and crouched down in the corner of his room, roaming his hands through a box of records.

"Is that all you want to do, Mhm?" He asked with a smirk, doubting my intentions. I snorted and turned my head back towards the ceiling.

"I don't always want to have sex with you, you know? You do have a very comfortable chest that I enjoy lying on." I replied casually with a smile. "That's not to say you don't have a lovely dick, my darling boy." He let out a loud laugh at my words as he stood and turned to face me, shaking his head and shoving his hands into the back pockets of his ripped, dark blue jeans.

"Well damn, Cassidys got some balls on her today, don't you princess?" He smiled widely as he spoke with a little bit of both sarcasm and enthusiasm. I smiled back and shrugged, making a small 'Mhm' sound at the back of my throat. Eddie took an easy two steps to his bed before crawling onto it to lie besides me, leaning on his hand to support his body weight laying sideways.

I looked over to him as my hands lay across the sides of my face, my fingers almost covering my features. "Can I ask you something?" I queried as the thought popped into my head.

"You just did." He joked with a toothy grin, obviously pleased with himself. I used my right arm to shove his shoulder.

"You're so funny it makes me sick." I said sarcastically, looking away from him after I spoke and sighed. "How come you live with your uncle?" I asked softly.

𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐒 - 𝐄𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now