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I spent the rest of the day avoiding Eddie to the best of my ability. I didn't like it when he got angry or upset with me but I also hated how the majority of the time, it wasn't actually my fault that he was angry. He had started to become a little more agitated over these previous few weeks but it wasn't something I couldn't deal with. I mean, look at who I live with, that should explain a lot.

Once I was outside of the school building and ready to leave for the day, I didn't hesitate to walk over towards Eddie's van and apologise for storming out on him the way I did at lunch. I wasn't sorry for what I said because quite frankly he was the one in the wrong and he was the one who should've been apologising, but I was sorry for causing a scene and embarrassing him in-front of his friends.

I leant my back against the side of Eddie's van and watched the other students depart away from me as I stood and waited patiently for the 5'11 metal head.

"Kim." His voice sounded next to me, making me jump a meter into the air out of fear.

"What the fuck, Eddie!" I yelled out to him, watching a smug smirk appear on his pink lips. I shoved his shoulder and rolled my eyes at him. "Stop fucking doing that, would you?" I breathed heavily with my words. He chuckled and tilted his head to the side.

"I'm not doing anything, sweetheart. You're just a shitbag." He shrugged at me casually, closing the space in between our bodies a little so his chest was now touching mine. My breathing got caught in the back of my throat at his actions, feeling his hot breath fanning on the top of my face.

"That's a lovely way of apologising, Munson." I smirked up at him, finding the confidence in me to begin teasing him.

"The apology is at my trailer, princess." Eddie's bottom lip sat in between his teeth as he looked down at me with dark eyes. "Now get in." He nodded over to the van, opening my side of the door for me to get in. I jumped up into the passenger side and waited patiently for Eddie to get into the drivers seat and leave the school grounds. "Do you need anything-" Eddie began to talk to me, but was distracted by something ahead of him. His eyes stayed completely focused on whatever it was, making me copy his actions.

Just outside the entrance to the school was a small group of people shouting at one another, or shouting at something. "What is it?" I asked him, not understanding what was so fascinating by a pathetic high school fight.

"Is that..Kathleen and Nancy?" He asked hesitant, his eyes never leaving the small crowd as they squinted to try and see if he was being deceived by his own sight.

"No. Kathleen doesn't fight, and why on earth would her and Nance be fighting?" I asked the pair of us rather than just him. Eddie shrugged but got out of the van regardless, trying to see if he was right. I sighed and rolled my eyes in annoyance, just wanting to leave this shit show of a place and enjoy whatever it was Eddie had lined up for us. I copied his actions and shut the van door closed behind me, following Eddie down to the crowd of people cheering for the fight to progress.

"...Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" I heard the kids chanting as we approached them. I squeezed my way through the people and prayed to god that it wasn't Kathleen and Nancy.

"What is your problem?!" Nancy shouted at the girl, to my relief it was not Kathleen, it was Tammy Thompson.

"You! Why can't you just let him be happy for once?!" Tammy shouted back in Nancy's face, obviously referring to Steve.

𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐒 - 𝐄𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now