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Friday 16th December. Eddie Munsons 19th birthday; It was finally here. The arrangements had been made for the party which were: Wayne would be moved to Becks house for the night, something he decided on his own behalf; whilst Eddie was at hellfire, Me, Steve, Robin, Billy and Max would go back to Eddie's trailer to begin decorating and make the place look presentable. As for costumes, I was excited to see what the others had in mind. I knew that Erica would be coming as her own character, Lady AppleJack, and I as Atilda Grébaut, something that Gareth had helped me come up with and she had super hearing directed from her silver dagger, the vibrations from the metal echoing into her brain waves, but as for everybody else..I was clueless.

It was quite fun to come up with these things and it made me understand Eddie's love for it just that little bit more

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It was quite fun to come up with these things and it made me understand Eddie's love for it just that little bit more.

However, as it was still a weekday it meant that school was still needed to be attended and as I was no longer living with my dreaded mother, I no longer needed to do half days, thankfully.

I made sure to hide my costume before Eddie could find it and I sat the boy down in the lounge to give him one of his gifts for the day.

"Eddie, just sit the fuck down, would you?." I pulled onto his arm as he used all of his weight to try and stay stood by the kitchen counter. "Please!." I exclaimed and stuck my bottom lip out, watching him roll his eyes and obey my order. I giggled and gave him a little shove towards the sofa, quickly making my way down the corridor and into Wayne's room, making sure to be quiet as I snuck in and leant under his bed to grab the wrapped gift.

"I already told you.." Eddie started as I closed the door to his uncles bedroom. "I don't want any gifts, princess." He sighed as I watched him lean back against his sofa, one arm over the back of the cushions.

"And I already told you, to stop being a pest and accept this one gift out of the kindness of my black heart." I smiled sarcastically at the boy as I held the present out infront of me, waiting for his hands to clasp it. "Take it then." I shoved it a little further towards him.

"Fine." He grunted and leant forward, taking the gift from my hand and unwrapping it messily. His eyes scouted the present in its true form and a small gasp escaped his lips. "Kim.." he trailed off, a little shocked by what was lay in his palms.

"I know it's not a lot..but I thought it may be something that you cherished forever." I wrung my hands out in front of my stomach as I anticipated his reaction, hoping it would be at least decent.

"Princess..holy shit." He said as he held the little slips in between his fingers. "Is this for the whole band?." Eddie stood up with a large smile spread across his face at the gift I had gotten for him. I nodded and felt Eddie's arms sling around my body tightly, a small squeal escaping his lips.

𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐒 - 𝐄𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now