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Me and Eddie sat outside of his trailer for hours after Kathleen was taken home, just talking about things that were and weren't important whilst smoking. It was nice, relaxing even to just spend some time with him and not worry about who I was hurting in the process because now, all I had was him.

The sun had began to set by the time my eyes started to sting from lack of sleep, but I wasn't tired due to the drugs in my system, so I started to hum a lullaby my mum would sing to me anytime I was sad in my younger years.

I felt Eddie listening to the tune being sung in the back of my throat, probably not recognising it or not caring enough to ask.

"Do you remember that surprise I was planning for you?" He asked in soft and low whisper.

"When your uncle almost walked in on something that would've burned his eyeballs? Yes." I remembered the day clearly. We both laughed alongside each other at the memory.

"Well I was hoping if you weren't going to be so stubborn about it, that you'd agree to let me go through with it sometime this week." I felt his head turn to look down at me, his eyes burning into the top of my skull. I continued to look at the horizon lifting up to provide daylight with a smile.

"Depends what it is." I said with a small smile.

"A date." His reply was simple. I moved my head further up his shoulder and looked at him.

"Mhm. Maybe." I said in reply, knowing all too well I would definitely go. I heard him chuckle as he pulled me in closer to his body, stroking my hair as i l finally allowed my eyes to close and fell asleep in the crest of his arm.

In what felt like only a minute later, I jumped out of my sleep in a cold sweat, being surrounded by Eddie's poster filled walls and paper scattered floor. I let out a shaky sigh and closed my eyes as I sat up still in the bed. My breath got caught in the back of my throat and all of sudden, I was struggling to breath.

"Kim..?" Eddie asked from his sleep, moving in the bed to see why I was sat up and breathing so heavily. "Woah, hey." He sat up in an almost jolt as he realised something was wrong. "Sweetheart, what's up?" He asked with his hand on my back.

"I-I.. I can't-breathe." I tried to speak the words but they came out dismantled. 

"Hey, hey. It's okay, just close your eyes and focus on my voice." His tone was soothing as I tried to listen to him.

"I c-can't. Ed-" my breathing sped up with the more words I tried to speak to him.

"You can. Just listen to my voice and take a deep  breath in..that's it, now out again..that's it. Keep breathing, baby. Breath in.." he breathed with me. "Now breath out again.." the oxygen in my air ways slowly creeped back into my lungs and allowed me to stop panicking. "You're okay." He reassured me as I let out a quiet sob. "I'm here, princess. You're okay." His hand moved in a circular motion over the top of my back.

I rested my head into the crook of his neck and cried into him, only wanting this stupid nightmare to disappear and let me be at peace. "I'm sorry." I apologised for waking him up.

"Don't be silly." He chuckled with his arms around my body and one hand on my head, stroking my hair comfortingly. "Are you going to tell me why?" He asked softly without pressure.

𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐒 - 𝐄𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now