The twins who lived

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On the evening of November 1, 1981, a tall, thin, and very old man came onto a street. It was clear that this man was not like anyone who lived on this street. He wore a long robe with a deep purple cloak that swept the ground with high-heeled buckled boots. His eyes were light blue like the sky, with half-moon spectacles that sat on his nose that seemed to be broken quite a few times. He ran his hands in his pockets, taking out something like a lighter. He spotted a cat that was to still for a cat,"I should have known," He flicked the lighter and the lights on the street went out within a blink. 

"Hello, Professor McGonagall," he said to the cat. Who was now women in square glasses and an emerald clock with a tight bun. "How did you know it was me, Professor Dumbledore? said the lady. They began walking down the street.

"I have never seen a cat sit so still before," said Professor Dumbledore

"Are the rumors true Albus? said Mcgonagall

"Rumors?" asked Dumbledore

"What they are saying. Is that Voldemort turned up in Godrics Hollow. He went to find the Potters. The rumor is Lily and James Potter are-are- that they're dead"

"I am afraid so professor," said Professor Dumbledore

"And the twins?" asked Professor Mcgonagall

"Hagrid is bring them," said Professor Dumbledore

"Do you think it wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this?" asked Professor McGonagall

"Ah, Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life," said Proffesor Dumbledore

There was a rumbling sound heading towards them from the sky. It roared as it landed on the road bouncing along then ground. The man riding the motorcycle was twice as tall as a normal man and five times as wide. He had long gushy hair and beard that made him look like a teddy bear. His hands here the size of trashcan lips and feet in leather boots. He held two bundles of blankets in his arms. 

"Hagrid," Said Dumbledore "No problems, I trust,"

"No sir. The house was almost destroyed but I got them out all right before the muggles started swarmin around. They fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol," said Hagrid carefully getting off the motorcycle and to the two professors."Try not to wake them. there you go," 

He handed Dumbledore the little boy with jet-black hair over his forehead with a cut of a lighting bolt. He handed Mcgonagall the little girl with semi long hair sweeping her face with the same but as her brother. Mcgonagall moved the hair out of the girls face to get a better look at the young girl. They walked to the door of a house,"Albus do you really think its safe? Leaving them with these People? I've watched them all day. They're the worst sort of Muggles imaginable. They really are-"

"They only family they have," said Proffessor Dumbledore

"They will be famous. There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know their name," said Professor McGonagall

"Exactly, They are far better off growing up away from all of that," said Dumbledore"Until they are ready,"

They set the pair of twins down on the ground in front of the door. Placing a letter underneath their hands. Hagrid started to cry and sniffle "There, there Hagrid. It's not really good-bye after all," said Dumbledore. "Best be going and join celebrations," 

"Right, I have to get the bike back to Sirius now," said Hagrid sniffling

"I shall see you soon-I expect- Proffessor Mcgonagall," said Proffesor Dumbledore 

She nodded and walked off. He turned to the street and flicked the lighter and all the light were restored in the street once more. He turned back around to the pair of twins that were laying on the step of the house,

"Good Luck Y/n and Harry Potter," 

As the night went on and the trees flowed with the wind. Harry moved inside his blanket to his sister holding the envelope not knowing they would be woken in a few hours time by Mrs. Dursley screams as she opened the door to put out the milk bottles, nor spend the next few weeks being poked or pinched by their Cousin Dudley.

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