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I woke up the morning we were leaving for 'home'. I finished packing the last of my stuff before heading downstairs. "Harry! You ready to go?" I asked with disgusted

"No but we gotta," said Harry

I linked arms with Ginny and Hermione; as hermione leviated our trunks to follow us. "So Ginny. What did you see Percy doing that you wanted to tell us?" asked Ron

"Oh Percys got a girlfriend," said Ginny

"What?" said Fred dropping his trunk

"Its a Ravenclaw prefect, Penelope Clearwater," said Ginny smiling"Been writing to her all last summer. Hes also meeting her all over the school in secret. I walked in on the makingout in a empty classroom. Thats why he was upset when she got attacked," she looked down,"You wont tease him, will you?" asked Ginny getting into a carriage

"Wouldnt dream of it," said Fred smiling devishly

"Defientitly not," said George smiling

We road to the Hogwarts express; we all got out of the carriage and walked onto the train. Hermione and I grabbed a compartment while Ron and Harry carried our trunks. The twins went off with their own friends and Ginny hung out with Luna Lovegood. The girl who stood up for me; Luna is very sweet and kind, her voice is very soft. As the train started to move; Harry and Ron played Wizards chess while Hermione and I talked,

"Y/n I know I've said sorry like a million times about the whole Fred thing. I had no idea," said Harry

"You fine Harry. Fred would never like me back so I get it," I said before turning back to hermione

"What do you mean? Never like you back," said Ron,"He is a bloody idiot then," 

"Its fine Ronald. Can we just leave it," I snapped

As the train ride went on we all were talking about the school year and making fun of Lockhart,"IM A proFesor," I mocked

"THis Is MAgic," said Harry

"I'll just ask you foUr no nip the Rest uP," said Ron laughing

"I cant believe I missed the back fire," said Hermione

"It was quite funny," said Ron"I smashed a rock in his head,"

"You What?" asked Hermione laughing

"He smashed a rock in Lockharts head," said Harry

We all continued to talk; I grabbed clothes to change with Hermione. We walked to the bathroom and walked in,"I know, I cant believe he asked me out," said a girl. I walked into a stall,"So what did you say?" asked another

"I said Yes obviously. I mean he is the most popular guy in our year plus the hottest," said the first girl

I got out of the bathroom after changing with my folded clothes to see Lisa and another girl at the sink,"I know he is so hot. Your so lucky to be dating him," said the girl

Hermione exited her stall and we walked out to the bathroom door,"Fred Weasley is the best," said Lisa. We exited the bathroom and kept walking,"Im sorry Y/n," 

"Should have known he doesn't like me," I said looking down

We entered into the compartment and I placed my clothes in the trunk. I grabbed a book out and opened it as I sat down. Hermione knew I probably wouldn't want to talk about it so she didn't bug. Harry and Ron did not even look up from their game. After about an hour the trolley lady came and Harry bought me a few acid pops and chocolate frogs. I eat my chocolate frogs and collected the cards. I had a acid pop in my mouth as I continued to read; the train began to come to a complete stop.

I stood up and grabbed my trunk and Junipers cage. Rons Rat,scabbers got loose so I helped him catch the rat. We stepped off the train; Harry was walking with Hermione and Ron giving them pieces of paper. I waved goodbye to the twins and headed over to them."Your aunt and Uncle will be proud, though wont they? After what they hear happened this year?" said Hermione

"Proud," I laughed"Are you crazy? All those times we couve died and didn't manage it? They'll be furious.." We walked through the plate form to the muggle world

Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia pulled us away almost immediately from the Weasleys. I waved goodbye and we started walking to the car,"Be grateful that we are letting you stay with us after what you did last summer," sneered Vernon

I nodded and placed my trunk in the car and Juniper in my lap beside Dudley who gained weight. Aunt Petunina handed me a list,"This has to be completed by the end of summer," I opened the list to find outrageous chores. I rolled my eyes"Fine," I said bluntly

"I don't like your ton," said Aunt Petunia"You better be grateful because this," she pointed at the paper,"Is how you," she pointed at me,"Earn love,"

I nodded knowing it wasn't. I looked at Harry and whispered into his ear"She lies," he nodded and smiled at me. 

We made our way back to Privat 4 drive and Harry and I brought our trunks and owls upstairs. I sat on my bed and looked out the window,"You miss Hogwarts already. Dont you?" asked Harry

I nodded,"Yea I do," 

"Same here. But don't worry we will be there before you know it," said Harry wrapping his arm around my shoulder. 

"Y/N POTTER, DOWN HERE NOW!" yelled Vernon

I sighed and got off my bed,"Duty calls," I said opening the door

I walked down the stairs and to the kitchen; I entered the kitchen to meet Uncle Vernon and Aunt petunia in the dinning room. I was confused and walked over to them;"Vernon you may go," said Aunt Petunia pointing at the door. Uncle Vernon left without hesitation

"Now that you have become of the age of when it might happen," said Aunt petunia

"Let me stop you right there. If you talking about the time every month. I already started it," I said quickly

"Very well then. We need to go shopping to get some other bras because your growing quickly now," said Aunt Petunia"Where did you get  those clothes?" 

"Mrs.Weasley took me shopping before last year," I said standing up

"Okay," said Aunt Petunia

We got into the car and went shopping which was awkward


We got home and I placed my bag on my bed; she took me shopping for undergarments. "Where did you go?" asked Harry"You were gone for a while,"

"Aunt Petunia took me shopping for some girl stuff," I said placing the bag in my trunk

"What kind?" Harry asked grabbing the bag and pulling out a bra"Whats this?"

"Harry stop that!" I said laughing trying to get it back

He placed it over his eyes like a mask,"This is a weirdmask," 

"Its not a mask," I said grabbing it

"Then what is it?" he asked as I placed it my bag

"A bra for women," I rolled my eyes. "Aunt Petunia said I need them now," 

"Weird," said Harry "What is a bra?" 

"Uhhh, I am not having this conversation with you," I said closing my trunk

"Well what is it?" asked Harry sitting on my bed

"Ask Aunt Petunia and tell her you took it from me," I said shaking my head. 

He stood up and about ten minutes later came into the room bright red. I started laughing,"Thats what you have to deal with every month. Bleeding! Now you'll have...EWWWWW!" he said loudly

"HARRY SHUSH!" I yelled and Luaghed

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