Dobby is Free!

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As we made our way out to the bathroom, Fawkes set us all down. I heard Mrytle gasp"Oh your alive. How sad," she cried . I stifled a laugh"Theres no need to sound so disappointed Myrtle," I smiled at her.

"If they had died, we could have shared my toilet," said Myrtle blushing

We all started walking out of the bathroom,"Harry,Fred I think myrtle has grown to fancy! You've got competition Ginny!" laughed George wrapping his arm over his sister

"Shut up," said Fred slapping Georges head

I laughed"Where now?" I asked Fawkes. Fawkes flew from my shoulder and we followed to Mcgonagalls office. Harry knocked on the door and we opened it. 

We stood at the door way when a scream came,"GINNY!" I looked to Mrs.Weasley standing up with cheeks stained with tears. She ran over with Mr.Weasley and hugged Ginny tightly. I saw Fawkes land on Dumbledore shoulder. Mrs.Weasley brought all of us in a hug,"You saved Her! You saved Her! How did you do it?" she asked looking at us

"We would all like to know that," said Mcgonagall

As we all walked in Ron,Fred, and George sat with their parents and sister. Harry and I began to explain everything about Hermione being in the library, aragog telling us about the last victim was Moaning Myrtle. How we found out it was in her bathroom for the entrance to the Chamber of secerts. 

"So you found out where the entrance was....while breaking a hundred school rules along the way. How on earth did you two make it out of their alive?" asked Mcgonagall

Harry and I looked at each other then back at the teachers. We told the teachers about the baslisk and us fighting it. I looked back at Ginny giving a look can-i-tell-them? She nodded and I turned back and explained about the diary and everything. How is made Ginny do those things without her realizing it was happened to her. Mcgonagall gasped at the story while Dumbledore remained calm. 

"What interest me most," said Dumbledore at a gentle tone,"is how Lord Voldemort managed to enchant Ginny, when my sources tell me he is currently in hiding in forest of Albania," 

"W-whats that?" asked Mr.Weasley holding Ginny,"You-know-who? En-enchant Ginny? But Ginny not...Ginny hasn't been...has she?" 

"It was this diary," sais Harry picking it up and giving it to Dumbledore. 

"Riddle wrote it when he was sixteen," I said as Dumbledore looked at the dairy

"Brillant,"he smiled"Of course he was probably the most brilliant student Hogwarts has ever seen," he turned to the Weasleys who were in shock

"Only a handful of people know that Lord Voldemort was once called Tom riddle. I taught him about 50 years ago at Hogwarts. He disappeared after school and traveled far....sank into the Darkarts, consorted with the worst of our kind and underwent dangerous,magical transformations. He resurfaced as Lord Voldemort, barely recognizable. Hardly anyone connect to Voldemort with the clever handsome boy who was once head boy,"

"But Ginny," said Mrs.Weasley stroking Ginnys hair,"What our Ginny got to do with-him,"

"His d-diary," Ginny cried,"I've b-been writing in it all year and he has written back," 

"Ginny! Havent I taught you anything? Never trust anything that cant think for itself if you cant see where it keeps its brains," Said Mr.weasley pointing to Ginnys head trying to remain calm"Why didn't you show the diary to me or your mother? A suspicious object like that is clearly full of Dark magic,"

"I didn't know dad," said Ginny"I found it in one of the books Mum got me. I thought someone just left it in there and forgotten about it," 

"Miss. Weasleys should go up to the hospital wing right away," said Dumbledore firmly,"This has been a terrible ordeal for her. No Punishment. Older and wiser wizards then her have been under the order of Voldemort," He opened the door to the office,"Bedrest and perhaps a large cup of hot chocolate. It always cheers me up," He smiled at her."You'll find  that Madam Pomfey is still awake. She just giving out Mandrake juice...I daresay the basilisk victims will be waking up any moment,"

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