Rons not so fun birthday week

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"So not one of Rons better birthdays," said Fred hugging me in the Hospital wing.

It was now evening; the hospital wing was quiet except for a few students who I had help throughout the day. The lamps were lit. Harry, Hermione and Ginny sat around Ron. I couldn't let them in until 8 o'clock just to be sure he was okay. Fred and George arrives at 8:10. Madam Pomfey hasn't come back; she is suposed to be back by midnight. 

"This isn't how we imagined handing over our present," said George putting down a large gft on Rons bedside

"Yeah, when we pictured the scene he was conscious," said Fred

"There we were in Hogsmeade waiting to surprise him--" said George

"You were in Hogsmeade?" asked Ginny

"We were thinking of Buying Zonkos," said Fred gloomily,"A Hogsmeade Branch you know, but a fat lot of good it'll do us if you lot aren't allowed out at weekends to buy our stuff anymore...But never mind that now..."

Fred drew up a chair and pulled me onto his lap."How exactly did it happen Harry?"

Harry retold the story again like he did for Dumbledore, McGonagall, Myself, Hermione, Ginny

"...and then I got the bezoar down his throat and his breathing eased a bit. Slughorn ran for help. Before helping me bring him here. Y/n reckons he will be all right with McGongall saying he will be as well and he will have to stay here a week or so...keep taking essence or rue,"

"Which I should check on the other students," I said standing up from Freds lap,"I will be back to give Ron his stuff,"

I walked over to the 4th year who had a broken arm and checked on it,"Your arm is healed. I would be careful with diving on your broom for practice. Make sure you know what your are doing," I smiled,"Now if your arm hurts still come back in and I can take care of it for you," I folded the bandage as she walked out.

I headed to Mattheo who was sleeping. I gently checked on his bandage when he punched me in the face. I fell over to the ground,'SHIT FUCK sorry Y/n," he said lookign at me

"What happened?" asked Fred walking over. As I grabbed my eye

"I didn't wake him when I was going to change his Bandage and his relfexes kicked him and hit me," I said covering my eyes,"It was my fault really," 

Fred glared at Mattheo and grabbed my hand away from my eye,"Its going to bruise,"

"I'll be fine. I have paste in my dorm," I said looking at Fred

"Try not to punch my Fiance Riddle," said Fred chuckling slightly

"I didnt mean to. Sorry Y/n," said Mattheo looking apologetic.

"Its fine Mattheo," I said turning to him,"Fred remember what I wrote to your about in the beginning of the school year," Fred nodded,"It was all a lie," I said quickly

"Yeah, I don't love-love her like you do. More like a friend. I had to get her to stay away from me," said Mattheo

Fred nodded,"Sure" He rolled his eyes and grabbed my waist as I changed Mattheos bandage,"Just like you looked her up and down hungrily at Slughorns party,"

"She looked good then at the party," Mattheo said struggling as I placed new dittany on his wound,"I looked at her as a friend but I had to making her still think I-OW!" I placed presure on his ingury

"Maybe you shouldnt have gotten stabbed," I glared playfully

"Maybe you shouldnt be a bitch," he laughed

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