Luna Lovegood

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The day of start of term everyone was running around making sure we had everything. Hermione and I bumped into each other like 30 times within an hour. Everyone was on edge because had to have guards following us to the kings cross for Harry and I. The amount of time I ran up and down the stairs to the twins room to make sure I didn't leave anything was an unusual amount. Once everyone had their stuff we all bustled out of the house and onto the street. Sirius in his dog form walked along with us; he kept chasing cats and rabbits away from us for our entertainment. 

We got to Kings cross station and Moody showed up with our luggage. Harry and Sirius went into another room and talk for a couple of minutes. The twins, Ginny and Remus showed up shortly after as we were waiting for them. We all walked onto the platform and everyone started loading into the train. "Well lets go find an compartment," said Harry

"Er," Ron said looking at Hermione

"Ron and I have to go to the perfects carriage," said Hermione

"I don't think we will have to stay all train ride," said Ron

"You two are fine go ahead,"I said grabbing Harrys and Ginnys arm"Lets find a compartment,"

We walked down the passageway looking for a carriage; Neville seemed to be looking for one as well,"Neville!" I smiled happily"How are you?"

"I-Im good. How are you?"

"I am doing well. Wanna join us on the hunt for a compartment?" I asked smiling

"Sure," he smiled

We all walked down dragging our luggage along until we found a compartment with one girl inside,"Lets go in here," said Ginny she opened the door,"Luna! Mind if we sit here everywhere else is full!"

She raised her head from the magazine she was reading upside down and nodded before looking back down at it. We all dragged our trunks inside and sat down; I sat down beside Luna as she kept reading her magazine,"How was your summer Luna?" I asked smiling

"Great," she said dreamily looking around the compartment her eyes landed on Harry,"You're Harry Potter. Y/ns twin," 

"I know I am," said Harry"How do you know my sister?"

"She tried to stop people from bulling me in our second year with the whole heir of Slytherin. We have hung out a few times since," I smiled 

"Cool," said Harry

"Who are you?" asked Luna to Neville

"I'm nobody," said Neville

"No you're not!" said Ginny sharply"Neville Longbottom"

We all got into different conversations; Harry and Neville talk about Nevilles plant for his birthday. Ginny and I talked about quidditch and how she wanted to try out but the only position open was for Keeper because Wood was gone. We continued to talk as Hermione and Ron showed back up. As they got comfortable, we all continued to talk about different things. 

About 5 hours into the train ride Fred,George,Lee, Angelina,Alicia, and Katie stopped by our compartment,"Harry, Y/n quidditch team meeting tonight. We need to discuss about the Keeper tryouts," said Angelina"I am the new captain,"

"Thats great Angie. Please tell me your not going to be like Wood,"I pleaded

"Oh I will be much worse," She laughed

"Anyways, We are here to steal Y/n," said George grabbing my wrist

Fred walked over and pulled me up. They dragged me out of the compartment. We walked down the way to their compartment,"Why did all of you come to get me?" I asked looking up at them because most of them were taller then me. 

Mystery (Fred Weasley x Y/n Potter)Where stories live. Discover now