Nicholas Flamel

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I was walking into the Great Hall with the twins when I saw Hermione sitting with Harry and Ron,"HERMIONE," She turned and looked at me"Y/N," We ran to each other and hugged"Never leave me alone with these boys again," She laughed,"I'm sorry," she punched my arm"Ow what what that for," 

"Sneaking out of bed what if you were caught," 

"Your the one who told us to find Nicholas Flamel which we never did," I shook my head

"Shut up," she linked arms with me and we walked to where Harry and Ron were. I sat down across from Harry and Ron.


(A few weeks)

"Harry We got quidditch practice hurry up!" I said pulling harry out of bed

"Y/n, get out so I can get ready," said Harry

"Fine but if your not downstairs within 10 minutes. I am coming back up here to get you," I said closing the door

After 5 minutes Harry came downstairs. We walked to the pitch were the team was in a circle ready to start. Harry and I ran over "Sorry Wood. Harry was still asleep. I had to drag him out of bed," I said catching my breathe. 

"No worries. We are going to practice some of the drills today. Big match coming up. Go get your brooms," said Oliver

Harry and I went over to get our brooms and flew out on the field. I was practicing a drill with Katie and Angelina when the twins were messing around dive-bombing and trying to knock each other off there brooms

"Will you two knock it off," yelled Oliver"Thats exactly the sort of that that'll lose us the match! Snapes refereeing this time, and he'll be looking for any excuse to knock points off Gryffndor,"

George fell off his broom this time,"Snapes refereeing," he said getting mud out from his mouth

"Whem he ever refereed a Quidditch match? He's not going to be fair if we might overtake slytherin," said Angelina

We all landed and complained how this isn't fair and how he shouldn't be allowed to referee. "Its not my fault. We just got to make sure we play a clean game, so Snape hasn't got any exucre to pick on us in this match," said Oliver

We finished practice; once Harry and I put our brooms away we ran to the Gryffindor common room. We found Hermione and Ron playing chess. Just like me;hermione wasn't very good, but we thought it would be nice for her to lose sometimes. "Dont talk to me for a moment," Ron said as Harry sat beside him and I sat beside Hermione,"I need to concen-" he looked at mine and Harrys face"What the matter with you two? You look terrible," said Ron looking at us. We explained the whole practice and how snapes the referee the next game

"Don't Play," said Hermione

"Say you're ill," said Ron

"Pretend to break your leg," suggested Hermione thinking of ideas

"I cant," said Harry"There isn't a reserve seeker. If I back out Gryffindor cant play at all. Y/n can back out,"

"But I wont back out," I said crossing my arms

Neville bounced into the common room with his legs stuck together,"Neville! How did you get the leg-locker curse!" I stood up and caught him before he fell. Everyone was laughing as Hermione performed the countercurse. His legs separated apart and he go up to his feet.I helped him over to the couch where Harry and ron were"Malfoy," said Neville"I met him outside the library. He said He'd been looking for someone to practice that on," 

"Oh Neville. We need to tell Professor Mcgonagall," I said rubbing his back."Lets report him," 

He shook his head"I don't want more trouble," 

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