The Chamber

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"Fang buddy. You have to eat," I said shaking the food in front of his nose. I barked at me to go away.

"He misses Hagrid," said Harry

"Dont we all," I said petting fang"Grab some raw meat from the fridge maybe that'll help," I pointed at Ron who was the closer

He opened the fridge and got out some raw meat and cut apart of it off. He walked over with the piece and I took it from him. Fang licked the piece on my hand and eventually eat it. 

"Good boy," I smiled"Thats the first time he has eaten in a week," 

"I know. I think he realized two weeks ago that Hagrid wasn't coming back," said Ron cutting more meat up

"Lets get to class," I said putting the meat into his food bowl

We made sure fang started eating before heading to transfiguration. I walked in the caslte in between the two boys,"I cant believe its been nearly a month since Hermione got petrified,"said Harry

"I know. Wanna visit her after this class?" I sighed"We don't have any more classes for the day," 

"Sure. But I think her flowers might be dead," said Ron

"I'll run to the herbology class room and grab some flowers," said Harry

"Okay," I said sitting down at my seat. 

I unpacked my stuff and placed it on my books and notebook on the table. Right before class began someone sat next to me; I looked over to see a brown hair boy in ravenclaw robes I have never met. I smiled at him before paying attention to Professor McGonagall. As class wore on the boy slide me a note, I grabbed the note and opened it;

Hello, I'm Blake Gryffin. You don't have to introduce yourself. I know who you are.

I looked at him and wrote back what do you need?' I slide it back to him

Well I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight?

I am sorry but I cant. I am going to see my friend Hermione in the hospital wing. Maybe another day?

He nodded and smiled before writing'I'll hold you to it,' I smiled and laughed slightly before continuing my notes. Before I knew it class was over;I looked over at the boy,"Well it was lovely writing to you Blake," I smiled and packed my bag

"You as well Y/n," he smiled. 

I walked with Ron to the hospital wing and we sat down with Hermione. Harry shortly came in afterwards and switch out the flowers before sitting next to Ron. 

"Wish you were here,Hermione," said Harry"We need you," 

"Now more then ever," said Ron grabbing Hermiones hand that was in the air

I grabbed Hermiones other hand,"There are so many things; I need to talk to you about," I felt something inside her hand and pulled it out.

"Whats that?" asked Ron

"This is why Hermione was in the library the day she was attacked," I said looking at the page,"Come on," 

As we ran out of the hospital wing we ran down a corridor and saw the twins. I waved them over to us and once they came I started reading the page,"of the many fearsome beast that roam our land, none is more deadly than the basilisk. Capable of living for hundreds of years instant death awaits any who meet this girant serpents eye. Spiders flee before it. Boys this is it the monster in the Chamber of Secerts is a basilisk. Thats why Harry and I can hear it speak. Its a snake,"

"But if it kills by looking  people in the eye. Why is it on ones dead?" asked George

I thought for a moment and looked at my reflection in a window,"Because no one did look it in the eye. Not directly as least," I began walking"Colin saw it through his camera. Justin must have seen it through Sir Nicholas and he got full blast of it but he's a ghost he cant die twice. Hermione was...using the mirror," I said running my hand through my hair"I bet anything she was using it to check around corners,"

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