Mr.Weasley attacked

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"Our little Harry Potter is growing up," said Hermione messing up Harrys hair"Maybe he will get himself a girlfriend," she teased

"I doubt that," I laughed standing up" Good night boys and Hermione,"

I walked upstairs and headed into my dorm; I grabbed pajamas and took a nice hot shower. I put my hair into a high ponytail and brushed my teeth. I walked to the boys hallway and knock on the door of Freds,"ONE SECOND! LEE HURRY IT UP!" yelled George. A few moments later the door opened,"Hello Y/n. Sorry Lee was changing in pajamas," said George

"I figured when you yelled for him to hurry it up," I laughed and stepped in"Well I just want to say Good Night,"

"Good Night," said George

"Night," said Lee putting on his shirt

"Where Fred?" I asked looking

"In the shower," said George pointing to the door

I nodded and went to the door, "GOOD NIGHT BABE!" I yelled

"WHAT!" he yelled back

"GOOD NIGHT!" I yelled

"WHAT!" he yelled

I sighed and opened the door slightly"I said good night,"

I saw his hair filled with shampoo peaking out the curtain,"Oh Night love. See you in the morning," he winked and opened the curtain slightly letting me see his abs. I bit my lip and looked at him up and down, "Nice try, lover boy," I winked and closed the door

I waved goodbye to George and Lee and walked out of the bedroom to my dorm. I lay down in my bed as Hermione came in smiling, "What got you smiley Mione?"

"Ron being an idiot," she laughed"Harry and I were making fun of him for not having a first kiss yet. He asked a random girl to kiss him and she shoved him away,"

"He did not!" I practically yelled!

"He did!" We both bursted out laughing.

"Its not right to make fun of Ronnie," said Lavander

I looked at her,"Bitch Please...we will make fun of him all we want. He is our best friend," I laughed as she threw a fit on her bed

"Good night Y/n," said Hermione as we were about to sleep"Night Fay

"Night Mione! Night Fay!" I smiled at her

"Night Hermione Night Y/n!" said Fay

I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning and got ready for the day. It was Saturday and I was planning on going to Hogmeade with Hermione,"Mione you ready!" 

"Yup!" she smiled

We linked arms,"Should we get the boys?"

"No lets have a girls best friend day," she smiled


We headed into Hogsmeade; I bought Christmas presents for everyone. I bought a box of sweets for Ron, I bought Ginny a quidditch book, Hermione I bought her a new book and quills, Harry I bought sweets, a lion stuff animal and a broomstick holder, I got Mrs. Weasley a new apron. I got Mr.Weasley a muggle book and some muggle knickknacks. I got George a huge box of prank supplies and sweets. I got Fred sweets, a photoalbum, a picture frame for the yule ball, prank supplies and a journal. I bought Sirius sweets and guatiar strings because his were broken. I bought Remus a journal with a little wolf and star(Wolfstar) and sweets. 

Hermione and I ended our day with getting butterbeer,"I wonder what the boys are doing today," said Hermione sipping her butterbeer

"Me either. So hows that crush on Ron going," I smirked

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