We will be with Dumbledore!

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These past few week, I have seen Harry at his happiest. I haven't seen him this happy in years and I knew it was all because of Ginny. It wasn't the fake kind of happiness but the real happiness. We were all sitting in the common room talking,

"You'd think people had better things to gossip about," said Ginny, as she sat on the floor in between Harrys legs reading the Daily Prophet,"3 dementor attacks in a week and all Rominda Vane does is ask me if its true you've got a hippogriff across your chest," 

Ron, Hermione and I all roared with laughter. Harry glared at us then ignored us,"What did you tell her?" 

"I told her its a Hungarian Horntail," said Ginny turning a page,"Much more macho," 

"Thanks," said Harry smiling,"And what did you tell her Rons got?" 

"A Pygmy Puff, but I didn't say where," 

Hermione and I rolled with laughter

"Watch it," said Ron scowling and warning Harry and Ginny"Just because I have given my permission doesn't mean I cant with draw it,"

"Your permission," scoffed Ginny,"Since when did you give me permission to do anything? Anyways you said yourself you'd rather it was Harry than Micheal or Dean," 

"Yeah, I would," said Ron,"And just as long as you don't start snogging each other in public ---"

"You fility hypocrite! What about you and Lavendar thrashing around like a pair of eels all over the place?" demanded Ginny

"I-uh- nevermind," said Ron

We all talked and laughed for a while before heading down to dinner. We walked inside and I saw Mattheo, Draco and his friends all talking and waved slightly to me. I nodded and continued walking with my friends. I sat down next to Ron who was by Hermione with Ginny and Harry across. 'Damn I am a fifth wheel right now,' I though to myself. We all began eating and talking,

"So Ginny how has studying been for the O.W.L.s?" I asked taking a bit of my food. 

"Good...i guess..." she shrugged,"Been a bit distracted lately," she titled her head to my brother

We continued to talk and laugh during dinner. I joked around with Hermione as we headed back up to the common room. 


As we headed into June, Ginny was focused on her O.W.Ls as they were approaching. I helped her study late at night or in the common room. Harry, Ron and I were sitting on the couch beside the window as Hermione plopped down beside us,"I want to talk to you, Harry?" 

"What about," he said slightly annoyed

"The so-call Half Blood Prince," said Hermione

"Oh, not again," he groaned,"Will you please drop it?" 

I knew he hadn't gone back to the Room of Requirement to reteirve the book and his performance was horrible in Potions. Though Slughorn blamed it on him being lovesick. Slughorn was proud that my Potions grades stayed the same.

"I am not dropping it," said Hermione firmly,"until you've heard me now. Now, I have been trying to find out a bit about who might make a hobby of inventing Dark spells---" 

"He didn't make a hobby of it---" 

"He, He----who says its a he?" 

"We have been through this," said Harry."Prince, Hermione Prince,"

"Right," said Hermione getting red in the cheeks and she pulled a newspaper out of her pocket and slammed it down in front of us,"Look at that! The Picture!"

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