Rumors of what?

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There has been a rumor going around lately that a ball was coming up. My side had complete healed leave no scar. Hermione and I were quite excited for the ball if it was true. I walked into lunch one morning, when a boy handed Ron a parcel. I sat next to Hermione;"Thank you Nigel," said Ron. The boy started and Harry and I and Hermione cleared her toaght. Ron turned"Not now Nigel later," 

The boy walked off and Hermione glared at him,"I told him I'd get him Harrys autograph," he opened the package"Oh look Mum sent me something,"  he pulled out a fluffy looking thing,"Mums sent me a dress,"

"Well it does match your eyes," I teased

"Is there a bonnet?" asked Harry pulling out a thing with a tie on it"Ah!"he raised it up

"Nose down Harry,"  he walked Ginny

"I'm not wearing that. Its ghastly!" said Ginny

Hermione and I laughed at the robes,"What are you on about?" asked Ron

"They are not for Ginny! They are for you!" I laughed making everyone laugh at the table"Dress robes!" 

"Dress robes? For What?" asked Ron

"For the Yule Ball!" Hermione laughed

"Yule Ball?" asked Harry

"Honestly do you two never pay attention to the bulletin boards. We are meeting with Mcgonagall this afternoon with everyone in Gryffindor 4th year and up," said Hermione."Today at 3 o'clock,"

"No. Why would we when we have you two," said Ron

I grabbed a sausage and threw it at him hitting him in the eye. He glared at me. 

"I swear your two friendship is just throwing food at each other or screaming at itsy-bitsy spiders," said Harry

"We know," said Ron laughing


We entered the classroom, Mcgonagall had the girls on one side and the boys on the other side. As everyone made their way into the room Mcgonagall closed the door,'The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament," he walked forward away from Flichs and the record player."Since its inception. On Christmas eve night, we and our guests gather in the Great hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity. As representative of the host school, I expect each and every one of you to but your best foot forward and I mean this literally because the Yule Ball is first and foremost....a dance," All the girls started talking while the boys complained. 

"Silence!" everyone went quite"The house of Godric Gryffinor commanded the respect of the wizard world for Nearly 10 centuries. I will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babling bumbling bands of baboons," 

I saw the twins whispering to each other and bouncing their heads. "Now to dance is to let the body breathe. Inside every girl a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight,"

I heard Ron talk about a girl"Somethings about to burst out of Eloise Midgen but I don't think its a swan," I turned around to Eloise "Don't listen to him he is a git," she nodded and smile at me

"Inside every boy a lordly loin prepared to prance. Mr.Weasley," said Mcgonagall

"Yes?" he muttered

"Will you join me please?" asked Mcgonagall

Ron stood up and walked to Mcgonagall"Now place your right hand on my waist," 


"I am never going to let him forget this!" I whispered to Hermione

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