Bye Bye

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My felt my heart beating in my ears; this did not just happen"Out of here quickly," said Snape seizing Draco and Mattheo by the back of their necks pushed them though the door. The three Death Eaters followed them excitedly. Nothing held us against the wall but shock. I threw the cloak off of us,"Perticufus totalus!" I yelled at the brutal looking man who fell solid to them ground

I pulled Harry and we began to run down the dark staircase. I tired to focus but my mind tore to Dumbledore being dead. 

I leapt the last five steps while Harry leapt the last ten of the sprial staircase and we stopped. The corridor was dimly lit and the ceiling half fallen in. I heard Snapes voise,"Its over, time to go!" Snape disappeared around the corner forcing Draco and Mattheo. Harry and I ran after them. I felt Harry loosing grip of my hand and fall back. I saw Fenrir Greyback on top of him,"Pertifucus Totalus!" yelled Harry 

I shoved Fenrir off of him and he collapsed on Harry, We ducked at a green luught. I saw Ginny locked in combat with Amycus as he used the torture curse on her,"Harry I got her go!" I yelled shoving him away

"Impedimenta!" I yelled at Amycus making him off his feet and slammed into a wall behind Ron, McGonagall and Remus fighting a death Eater. I saw Tonks  fighting a bloind wizard who thrown curses at each other. The stone cracking and shattering windows. 

"Harry, Y.n where did you come from," Ginny cried. As Harry ran past. I shot a spell at Alecto she was launched into her brother on the wall

"No time to explain Ginny. Be safe," I yelled running and shooting a spell at the blond wizard Tonks was fighting causing Tonks to have a clear shot to stop him. I ran past Neville who was clutching his stomach,"Harry went that way!" he poitinged

I ran and aimed a hex at a brown hair death eater. While jumping over someone on the floor. I saw Harry getting up from the floor and I pulled him along 

"Stay with the other Y.n!" yelled Harry pulling me back


"STAY!" he yelled at me running away

I nodded and turned to help the others. I ran back and helped Nevielle who was in pain fighting two death eaters. 

"Flipendo Maxima," I yelled causing a wizard to be sent to a wall behind Remus,"Pertifucus Totalus!," I yelled causing the other to fall to the ground

I helped Neville up from the ground,"Lets win this," I said dragging him

I joined Remus as he fought Fenrir Greyback,"Hey Moony," I said shooting a spell at Fenrir. 

"Kiddo what are you--" 

I yelled,"Inflatus," causing Fenrir to blow up like a ballon and hit the ceiling within second. I turned to Remus,"No one hurts my family or friends," I said running to Ron as he fought a death eater. Before I got there I was lifted off the ground and hung by my leg

"You thought you could get away little lady," said curly hair witch,"The Dark Lord will be happy I got a Potter," 

She fell to the ground as a red light hit her back,"Not my Goddaughter Bitch," snapped Remus I fell to the ground hearing a snap my wrist. Soon all the death Eaters ran away. Remus and Tonks helped bill who was unconscious with blood all over to the hospital wing. We all walked up and Pomfey helped us. Pomfey wrapped up my hand first so I could help Bill as well. 

Neville was alseep in the other bed. Harry and Ginny walked through the hall; I stopped helping Bill as I ran to my brother. 

I nearly tackled him into a hug,"Oh harry!" I hugged tightly

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