Hogwarts is my home!

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I woke up to a bright sun shining in on me. I tried to move my arms but they felt heavy. I opened my eyes and sat up to see harry looking around and smiling. I looked to see cards, candies and flowers all around us. I turned my head to see Dumbledore walking in"Good Afternoon, Y/n. Good afternoon Harry," He walked in between our beds,"Ah tokens from your admirers?"

"Admirers?" asked Harry

"What happened down in the dungeons between you two and professor Quirrell. Is a complete secret," said Dumbledore. 'That bloody likely' I thought "So naturally the whole school knows,"

I smiled and chuckled"I was just thinking that," I whispered

"Ah, I see your friend Ron has saved you the trouble of opening your chocolate frogs," said Dumbledore picking up a chocolate frog box

"Ron was here? Is he alright?" asked Harry"What about Hermione?"

"What about Fred and George?" I asked

"Fine. They are all just fine," said Dumbledore. I felt a little more relaxed 

"But what happened to see stone?" asked Harry

"Relax dear boy,' said Dumbledore"The stone has been destroyed. My friend Nicholas and I have had a little chat and agreed it was best all around," 

"But then Flamel...He will die wont he sir?" I asked

Dumbledore sat on my bed"He has enough elixir to set his affairs in order.But yes he will die," 

"How is it I got the stone and able to put it into Y/n pocket?" said Harry confused

"You see only a person who wanted to find the stone. Find it but not use it would be able to get it," said Dumble leaning closer to Harry"That is one of my more brilliant ideas and between you and me thars is saying something,"

"Does that mean with the stone gone that is. That voldemrot can never come back,' said harry

"Im afraid. there are ways in which he can return," said Dumbledore"Y/n, Harry. Do you know why professor Quirrell couldn't bear to have you touch him?"

"No," I said as Harry shook his head

"It was because of your mother. She sacrificed herself for you," said Dumbledore"That kind of act leaves a mark,"I reached up at my scar and Harry did as well" No No. This kind of mark can not be seen. It lives in your very skins," 

"What is it?" I asked

"Love, Y/n. Love,"said Dumbledore standing up

"Professor? I have a question," I said poliently"Well two questions,"

"You may ask them," said Dumbledore turning to me

"Did you give harry the Invisibilty cloak? Did you give me the necklace?" I asked"I know the necklace glows but I am confused by what it does when it glows beside light,"

"Yes I did give Harry the Invisiblity cloak. Your father left it to me begor his death. He also used it to sneak into the kitchens for food," said Dumbledore"As for your necklace, I did give it as well. Your necklace has a extraordinary power but I wont tell you about it right now. Now I want both of you get get some rest," 

"Bertie botts every flavor beans. I was most unfortunate in my youth. to come across a vomit flavor one. Since then I'm afraid I've lost my liking for them," said Dumbledore"But I think it could be safe,"he picked a bean out and eat it"Alas....Ear wax,"

I chuckled and looked at Harry. Harry and I had a long good nights great before leaving the hospital wing. We walked to the Great hall for the end of year feast; I saw Hemrione and Ron talking against the ledge,"Alright there Ron?" asked Harry

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