He is...

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"Y/n Potter," growled a voice.

I looked up to see Rookwood standing over me. He grabbed my hair and yanked me to stand up. He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the dungeons. He slamed me down on the ground in front of someones nasty feet

"I see you have gotten the Potter girl. Very good," said a voice I recognized to be Voldemort. He grabbed myhair and forced me to look at him. I saw his red eyes looking at me creeply. I looked at him stone cold,"I have decided that until you tell us where Harry Potter is you will be hung by your wrists and tortured,"

"I already told you people I don't know where he is," I said,"I don't know where he went,"

"I highly doubt that," scoffed Bellatrix

"Not now," scolded Voldemort glaring at her,"Son, Draco tie her up,"

Mattheo and Draco grabbed my arms and I continued to glare at Voldemort at the lifted my arms above my head and tied my feet to a board.

"CRUCIO!" yelled Voldemort

I felt pain in my sides but didn't scream. I have been practicing how to act okay while I am tortured. He got mad and did it harder; I whimpered and smirked,"IS that the best you can do Moldy Voldy. I thought you were supposed to be the most evil wizard. Crucio isn't going to effect me anymore,"

He slapped my across my face,"Your lucky I don't kill you right now. I am waiting on your brother. So I can torture him in front of you as he dies. before I kill you," he dug his finger into my neck

"Like I care," I said coldly even though my heart ached

He back away holding his wand on his index,"But you do," he bowed slightly," You do care about your brother. Or perhaps your fiance, Fred Weasley,"

I tried not letting worry come across my face,"I dont care about any one. Not even myself. If you kill me right here right now. Do it," I said looking into his red eyes

"Thats were your wrong," said Voldemort smiling creepily,"You care for my son that you sent him away," he grabbed Mattheos shirt,"What if I tortured him in front of you? CRUCIO!"

Mattheo cried in pain and screamed. I tried to hold a stone face. After a minute of him screaming,"STOP IT!" Draco and I yelled in unison. Draco dragged his cousin to him,"Enough. You cant just torture---" Cassie held the two boys with her. She was trying not to cry as she looked at me with pain in her eyes

"SILENCE!" bellowed Voldemort,"I will not be spoken to like this,"

Everyone back away from Voldemort as he walked back up to me and pressed his wand to my chest,"Do it," I glared

"Crucio," he mumbled and the feeling of knifes came back even worse. I cried a light in pain but didn't scream.

After an hour of being tortured(cut, crucio, punch, slapped and more); I was shoved back into the dungeon were I fell onto the ground.

After about 5 months of being tortured. I looked up to see snow covering the window. I stayed on the ground for a few more minutes; I crawled to my corner. I heard people talking upstairs and soon the gate opened and I flinched. Cassie walked in with Luna,"Y/n!" said Luna running to me

I weakingly hugged her,"Everyones been so worried," she said

Cassie gave us bags for food,"I have to go," she tied up my wrist,"I have to Y/n. I am so sorry," she said with tearing on her cheeks

I nodded. Cassie has been sneaking down food everyone in a while. Everynight she comes and cleans up my wounds. She hold me when I am crying in pain.

"Are you okay?" asked Luna

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