First Quidditch match

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I approached the boy's dorms and knocked on the twin's door. I waited a few seconds and no answer. I knocked again and no answer,"Hmm must not be there," I began to walk down and back to my dorm. I walked in and sat on my bed;I grabbed the book I 'stole' from Hermione and started reading were I left off,"Y/n" said Hermione. I looked up at her. "Yea?" 

"Harry and Ron want to have breakfast before the game," she said at the door

"Im not hungry," 

"You have to eat," said Hermione

I shrugged"I will go down with you but my nerves and getting the better of me," 

We headed downstairs to the common room to meet up with Harry and Ron,"Hello boys! Harry Ready to conquer the day?" He smiled and nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be!" We started walking to the Great Hall,

"Why do you guys always say that?" asked Ron

"Its just something we would say when we were little," said Harry

Ron nodded "Nice. You two must have been close," 

"We still are. She is my sister and was there for me when no one else was," said Harry wrapping his arm over my shoulder

"He is my brother and the same goes for him," I added wrapping my arm around his waist

We walked into the great hall with people already eating and talking; sat down to have food. While Hermione and Ron began eating their food; Harry and I hadn't touched it. I was playing with my food trying to get rid of my nerves,"Take a bit of toast guys, go on," said Ron

"Rons Right Y/n. Harry you're going to need your strength today," said Hermione

"I'm not hungry,"said Harry

"I'm not either," I said looking down

Snape stumbled up to us"Good luck today Potters. Then again now that you have proven yourselves again a troll." he took a monotone longish pause"A little game of quidditch should be easy work for you. Even if it is against Slytherin," He looked at all of us and walked away limping

"That explains the blood?" 

"Blood?" Hermione and I said In unison

"Listen, Halloween night" said Harry "I am guessing Snape let the troll in as a diversion so he could try and get past that 3-headed dog. but he got himself bitten that's why he is limping,"

"But why would anyone go near that dog?" asked Hermione

"The day Harry and I were are Gringotts," Harry said "Hagrid took something out of one of the vaults said it was Hogwarts business. Very secret."

"So you saying..." Hermione started

"Thats what the dogs guarding. Thats what snape wants," Said Harry

"What do we do?" I asked 

"We will figure it out," said Ron

I bite into a piece of toast when two owls came flying in with long packages. They dropped it right in front of Harry and I. I caught the package as it dropped and set it in front of us,"Whats this?" "Bit early for mail isn't it?" asked Hermione

"But we never get mail," I said looking at the package

"Lets open them," said Ron

Hermione and I opened my package while Harry and Ron opened his. We untired the robe strings and pulled off the papers to reveal two Nimbus 2000. My eyes widen,"Its a broomstick," said Harry

"Thats not just a broomstick Harry," I said smiling

"Thats a Nimbus 2000. Fastest model yet," said Ron

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