Our Girls

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I was walking with Hermione and Ginny to Potions class. I was out of breathe from all the stairs. I leaned against the wall,"Damn Y/n you look tired," said Mattheo walking up

"I am," I nodded,"I am 37 weeks pregnant and walking 100 flights of stairs or more a day,"

"You should be on bed rest," said Hermione holding my bag for me

"No I need to be at school," I said as Slughorn walked out

We walked into class and went to our seats. Slughorn started on his lecture; Hermione and I kept raising our hands to answer questions

"Mrs.Potter-Weasley," Slughorn smiled pointing at me

"Wolfsbane Potion must have been taken each day for a week preceding the full moon; missing one dose alone, during such a night, was enough to invalidate all those that preceded it," I explained

"How do you know so much about Wolfsband?" he asked me

"My Godfather Remus Lupin was a werewolf. The most kindest, smartest and bravest werewolf I knew," I said remembering Remus with a smile

He nodded,"I knew Mr.Lupin when he was in school. Such a smart man," and continued the lecture. I took my notes when I felt a pain in my side. I grabbed my side hopeing it would go away. Slughorn sent us to grab our potion ingredients; as I stood up the pain worsened,"Professor," I said clutching my side

"Yes Mrs.Potter-Weasley," he said bouncing up to me

"I need to go to the hospital wing," I said in pain

"Why?" he asked

"My stomach hurts. I think--"I looked down feeling water on my legs,"my water just broke,"

Hermione and Ginny snapped their heads towards me quicker then everyone else in the room.

"We will help her," said Mattheo standing up and walking to me

"Hermione or Ginny. I need you to go tell Bill so he can send a message to Fred and Molly," I said,"If that's okay Professor," I looked at him

"yes it is," he nodded,"Leave your bag. I'll have someone grab it later,"

Draco and Ginny ran to the D.A.D.A classroom and Hermione and Mattheo helped me up the stairs. We had to stop every once in a while as the contractions came. After about 30 minutes we were on the fourth floor,"Only three more floors to go," said Mattheo as I leaned on a wall.

We began walking against Hermione helped me up another flight of stairs before the pain was worse.

I heard running and looked to see Fred, Molly, Draco and Ginny running at us. Fred stopped in front of me,"Are you okay?" he grabbed my face

I nodded,"I can't--ow," I said hunched over,"walk," I tried to move but couldn't

Fred picked me up and carried me to the hospital wing quickly. Madam Pomfey already had a private area ready. Fred set me down gently and kissed my hand

"Y/n do you want them all here?" asked Molly looking at Ginny, Hermione, Draco and Mattheo

I groaned,"I'm sorry but I only want Molly and Fred with me. Poppy of course," I smiled

"Dont be sorry Y/n," said Hermione,"We will be out in the hallway,"

I nodded as they left. Fred squeezed my hand

"You ready Y/n?" asked Pomfey

"No. The babies are to early. I still have three weeks left," I groaned in pain

Mystery (Fred Weasley x Y/n Potter)Where stories live. Discover now