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"Hermione you coming to the game?" I asked

"I will after I check something in the library about the chamber of Secerts," said Hermione

"Okay. See you there," I walked downstairs putting my hair into a messy bun.

I walked to were the twins and Harry were and we walked to the quidditch pitch I got changed into my quidditch robes and headed to the team room. I sat beside behind Angelina who I noticed kept looking at Fred while Oliver was talking. Fred turned his head and noticed Angelina and smiled at her. 'What if they get back together' I thought to myself

"All right listen up. We play our game Hufflepuff doesn't stand a chance," said Wood grabbing his broom"We're stronger,quicker, and smarter," he began walking and we followed.

"And not to mention they're dead scared that Y/n and Harry will Petrify them if they fly anywhere near them," said George joking

"Well that too," said Wood

We were on our way out to the field when Professor McGonagall came walking up to us,"Professor Mcgonagall," said Wood

"This match has been canceled," said Mcgongall

"They cant cancel quidditch," said Wood

"Silence,Wood," said McGonagall

"You and your teammates will go to Gryffindor Tower, Now," said McGonagall "Potters, you and I will find Mr.Weasley. There's something all of you have to see,"

We soon found Ron and we headed to the hospital wing.,"I warn you. This could be a wee bit of a shock," said Mcgonagall

We continued to walk down the way past curtains to see Hermione petrified in the bed,"Mione!" I ran up to her. Hermione was looking straight on with her hand in the air looking at it,"She was found near the library along with this,"Mcgonagall held a mirror"Does it mean anything to either of you?"

"No," Harry said

I shook my head looking at Hermione,"I told you I wouldn't let anything happen to you and the one day I am not with you you get hurt," 

Harry touch Hermiones hand as we were all in complete shock of what happened. Soon Fred and George got word and came up to the wing to see if it was true. Fred hugged me knowing I was in shock. We eventually made our way to the common room; we were sitting on the couch talking for a little while. Mcgonagall walked into the room"Can I have you attention please?"everyone stoped what they were doing"Because of recent event these new rules will be put into effect Immediatly. All students will return to their house common room by 6:00 every evening. All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. NO EXCEPTIONS!" she folded the paper up"I should tell you this. Unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught it is likely the school will be closed,"

Everyone remained in silence and was completely shocked by what happened. I saw Harry and Ron whispering about something at the stairs. Harry walked over to me and the twins,"Tonight at 9pm go to the common room," he whispered in my ear"Tell the twins," I nodded as he walked away. I whispered in both the twins ear and they nodded. "Well what are we going to do?" I asked

"Lets head up to mine and Freds dorm for a little while," said George

I nodded and we walked upstairs to their dorm; I sat on the floor in the middle of the room. Fred and George looked at me like I was crazy,"Sit on my bed," said Fred patting down next to him. I shook my head,"I'm to lazy to stand up. I can't believe Hermione has been petrified," I put my knees to my chest and head down on my knees.

"Its not your fault. You had no idea it was going to happen," said George

"I know. Its going to be hard without her," I replied

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