First day of 6th year Pt.1

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"I am sending word to the castle that I have got you two or they will get worried.Come on, we'd better not dawdle," said Tonks marking onward

"How did you find us?" I said with my eye feeling bruise and hurting

"I noticed neither of you left the train and I knew you had the cloak. I thought you might be hiding for some reason. When I saw the blinds drawn down on the compartment I just had to check,"

"But what are you doing here, anyways?" Harry asked

"I am stationed in Hogmeade now, to give the school extra protection," said Tonks 

"Is it just you station or more?" I asked

"There are others Proudfoot, Savage, and Dawlish," 

"Dawlish, that Auror Dumbledore attacked last year?" I said amused

"Thats right," 

We walked along the carriage tracks. Harry and I kept looking at Tonks. She isnt herself, not making jokes, laughing easily, or being a big sister figure. She seemed older, more serious and purposeful. I just wanted to let her know that we dont blame her for Sirius death but I didnt want to talk about Sirius. I began to get tired after always taking the carriages to Hogwarts for the station. 

When we say the tall pillers i knew we were here. I am hungry, cold but I didnt want to leave Tonks because it seemed she needed someone. 

"Alohamora," said Harry at the chain gates

"That wont work on these," said Tonks,"Dumbledore bewitched it themself," 

"We could climb a wall," suggested Harry

"No," said Tonks,"Anti-intruder jinxes an all of them. Security been tightened a hundredfold this summer," 

"Well then," I said trying to think of a way,"I suppose we will either have to sleep here or wait for someone,"

"Someones coming down for you two," said Tonks,"Look,"

I turned to see a lantern coming across the castle grounds to us. Harry andI pulled of the cloak just in time for Snape to appear. 

"Well, Well, Well," sneered Snape taking out his wand and taping the padlock once making the chain snap apart,"Nice of you to turn up, Potters, although you have evidently decided that wearinng of school robes would betract from you appearance," 

"I couldn't change, I didnt have my---" Harry begun

"Theres is no need to wait Nymphadora, Potters are in my hands," said Snape

"I meant Hagrid to get the message," said Tonks frowning

"Hogrid was late for the start-of-term feast, just like Potters here, so I took it instead. and incidentally,"said Snape letting us pass him,"I was interest to see your new Patronus," 

He shut the gate in her face with a loud clang and tapped the chains with his wand again making it clink back in place

"I think you were better off with the old one," said Snape,"The new one looks weak," 

I looked at Tonk who was in shock and anger but then cover it in darkness

"Good Night," said Harry over Snapes shoulder as he gan to walk up with Snape

"Good night Tonk. Thanks for everything," I smiled and teleported beside them

Harry jumped,'Jeez Y/n,"

"See you Y/n, Harry!" she yelled

I felt a wave of hatred coming off of Snape; I decided not to say anything about it. I know he hated our dad but we arent like him so what is his deal. I know Snape hated Sirius as well becuase of the remarks they made at each other. 

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