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"If I study any more on this bed I am going to end up asleep!" I said laying on my pillow

"Then stop studying," said Ginny"You and Hermione have had your noses in a book all year long,"

"Ginny! Y/N and I have our O.W.L.s we can't stop studying," said Hermione not looking up from her book and notes"Y/n go downstairs and study so you don't fall asleep on your bed,"

"Fine Mum," I rolled my eyes and off the bed. I grabbed my book and notes and headed out the room.

I was laying on the couch reading my herbology book when Fred snatched it out of my hands,"Lets go something love," he place the book down"We never hangout without you studying,"

"I have OWLs this year babe and I have to do something," I checked my watch"in 30 minutes,"

"See Professor McGonagall?" he crossed his arms. I nodded. "Why are you at Hogwarts so much?"

"I told you," I said, looking away.

He grabbed my chin, "I know your lying, Y/n," He got into my face. "Please tell me,"

"I-I cant just yet," I said, looking down

He stormed out of the room with a scoff; I felt tears in my eyes, "Fred, please listen to me," I ran after him.

"No. Are you lying to me, Y/n? Why won't you tell me what you are doing with McGonagall!" He yelled at the top of the stair

"I can't. I have been ordered not to tell you!" I yelled back, walking up the stairs"I want to but I cant!"

"Tell me what you have been ordered to do!" he screamed. At this point, people started walking out of their rooms and looking at us, "If you love me, tell me it," he glared.

I felt Harry's hand on my shoulder and pulled it off of me,"I LOVE YOU FRED, BUT I CAN NOT TELL YOU!" I yelled back, reaching the top step

"WHY NOT!" he yelled in my face

"YOU CAN BE HURT!" I yelled back in him. I felt heat in my hands and me getting light. I took a deep breathe and calmed down.I saw George behind Fred trying to get him to stop


"I CARE!" I got into his face with tears streaming down my face"I CARE IF YOU GET HURT! I CARE!"

"Why can I be hurt?" He said, looking at me worried

"You can be hurt; if I dont-" I looked at Moody, who was shaking his head

"If you don't, what," He yelled at me

"I-I can't say, Fred," I said, tearing up. "Trust me I do want to tell, but I-I can't just yet,"

"Fine," he shoulder-checked me and walked upstairs

"Please, Fred...you have to believe me," I begged to make the lights flicker

"No...I am done with your lies, Y/n. Im done," his face dropped when he said that

"Fine," I walked down the stairs crying.

"I didn't mean it like I'm done with this relationship Y/n," he followed me.

"GOD, FRED! When I say can't tell you something it is for your own protection," I yelled, pointing at his chest, "FOR FUCK SAKES. I have been asking for days if I can tell you but they. Won't. Let. Me. It is for your safety and the others,"

I walked into my room and slammed the door, "Y/N PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THEY ARE HAVING YOU DO!" he yelled from the outside of the room,


Mystery (Fred Weasley x Y/n Potter)Where stories live. Discover now