Pact with myself

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I have been helping Mattheo out with his schoolwork. I have been going down to Hagrids to comfort him about Buckbeaks soon-to-be death. I am still helping out at the hospital wing every weekend. We won the quidditch cup for the school. Fred has been flirting a lot more and I have noticed that he doesn't have any girls talking to him anymore. Ron and Hermione are still arguing about Scabbers and Crookshanks. All of the teachers have been really worried since Sirius Black. I haven't been able to go out to my tree and I have felt so stressed. I found out Remus took the map and I have asked for it back but he refuses. Remus and mine relationship as gotten really good. I can talk to him about everything and anything. He even helps me with pranks sometimes although he hates when I prank him but it's funny seeing his reaction. 

"Will you two stop talking about you future shop and study for you O.W.L.S!" I whipsered-yelled at them

"Why?" whisper George

"We don't care about those," said Fred

"Then shout up and let me study," I said back before returning to my book

I felt an arm around my shoulder,"Wouldn't you rather do something else?" whispered Fred into my ear sending shivers down my spine

I licked my lips and chuckled,"I would rather not fail," I looked at him and smiled

"Come on. We have to have fun," said Fred trying to get me to stand up

"Freddie. No I need to study," I said shaking my head 

"Please Y/n/n," said George with begging eyes

"You two have fun. I will stay here,"I rolled my eyes. 

George grabbed my books and put them in my bag,"Nope. You have been studying nonstop for the past three weeks. Come on lets have some fun," 

I rolled my eyes as George threw my bag over his shoulder and Fred held out his hand. I sighed and took Freds hand and we walked throughout the castle. We stopped at the DADA classroom,"I know who we can prank," I grinned evily

"Ohhh yup," said George

"Hand me a dungbomb and a firework," I smirked and held out my hand

Fred handed me the stuff and we walked inside. I walked up to the office and opened it slightly,"Y/n DONT YOU DARE!" yelled Remus 

I walked in and started laughing,"BUT REMUS!" I smiled

"CHILD GO!" he pointed at the door"FRED GEORGE YOU AS WELL!" 

I looked back at the boys who started laughing,"NOW" I yelled and set off the stuff before running out of the room

"Y/N LILY POTTER!" yelled Remus chasing me

He grabbed me just as I was about to exit the classroom,"Your are so much like your father," he laughed"All of you will clean up my office right now!" 

I waved my wand and it was cleaned,"Done," I smiled

He rolled his eyes,"You boys are a bad influence on her," he said to the twins

"No sir. She is a bad influence on us," laughed George

"Whatever! Your the ones who dragged me into pranks my first year and got me attached to them," I laughed

"Oh yeah," said Fred walking up to me,"Your the one who was interested in the pranks and joined us," 

I walked up to him,"Your the ones who got me caught while you two threw snowballs at Quirrell," 

"Oh right. Thats when you," said George

"Got more involved with our pranks," said Fred walking closer

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