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"Divination is so stupid," I whispered to Hermione 

"I know," she whispered back

"BROADEN YOUR MINDS!" said Trelawney"You must look beyond. The art of Crystal gazing is in the clearing of the inner eye," 

"Mione the boys are asleep," I whispered. She looked over at them full on sleeping on the table

"Only then can you see. Try again." said Trelawney to Seamus before walking to the boys. Harry shot right up and Ron woke up by his sudden movement"Now what do we have here,"

"Do you mind me trying?" asking Hermione. 

Trelawney nodded and Hermione smiled"The grim....possibly," Trelawney got into Hermiones face"My dear, from the first moment you stepped first in my class I sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit for the noble art of Divination. No, you see you may be young in years but the heart that beats beneath your bosom is shriveled as an old maids. Your soul, as dry as the pages on the book," she took Hermiones hand and looked at it"to which you so desperately cleave,"

Hermione removed her hand and stormed out of the classroom knocking the orb out of the desk. I watched Hermione strut out of the classroom and walk quickly,"Have I said something?" asked Trelawney to me. I scoffed as she turned away. 

The rest of class was quite boring. But when we got released we walked out of the classroom with our bags. "She gone mental Hermione has. I mean not that she wasn't always mental, but its out in the open for everyone to see," 

"Shut up. We all know you like her," I teased Ron

"W-What? H-How'd you know?" he stuttered

My jaw dropped"I didn't know Ron. I just guessed," I smiled

"Hang on," said Harry picking up the orb,"We Better take this back,"

"Im not going back," said Ron

"Fine," said Harry

"See you later," I said following Harry

We got up to the classroom and Harry placed the orb on the table. Harry started to look into the orb and I came beside him. I saw sirius blacks face in the orb saying Harrys name. The hands came on our shoulders. Harry and I turned around to see Trelawney breathing weird

"He will return tonight," said Trelawney in a eeire voice

"Sorry?" I asked

"Tonight he who betrayed his friends, whose hearts rots with murder,shall break free.Innocent blood shall be spilt, and Servant and Master shall be reunited once more," she said look away from us then coughing

"Oh, Im so sorry dear boy, girl. Did you say something?" asked Trelawyney

"No," said Harry grabbing my sleeve"Nothing," 

He backed us away from her and we walked out of the classroom in silence. We ran down the stairs,"That was weird," I said shooken up

"Tell me about it," said Harry

We continued to talk and walked up to the common room. I saw the twins on the couch and waved bye to Harry who walked to his room. I sat down on the ground in front of them,"Hello boys," I smiled 

"Hello Y/n," said Lee smiling at me

"Hey," said George

"Hi," said Fred leaning closer to me

"What are you guys doing?" 

"Nothing much,"George said placing a book in his bag

"Well I am super bored so I don't know what to do," said Lee moving on the couch

"Wanna do a prank?" I asked standing off the ground

"Sure," said George jumping up from the couch"On who?" 

"Snape," I smiled

Fred stood up"Lets go,"

We walked out of the common room and headed down to the dungeons. We turned the corner to head downstairs and met with Mattheo and Draco in the hallway,"Hey Potter," said Mattheo

"Hey Riddle. Exams going good?" I asked turning around and walking backward

"Yup. Thanks to you. Bye," he walked off

I turned back around and linked arms with Fred and George again."You and Riddle seem close?" said Fred

"Not really, I did kind of have to get to know him because we spent so much time together studying this semester. I think now we are just going to be people who wave in the hallways," I looked up at him as we walked to Snapes classroom

"Okay. Well what should we do to prank Grease head," said George

I chuckled"You boys do the prank I will watch the door," 

They walked inside the classroom and began the prank. I stood against the wall looking around about 20 minutes later I heard walking down the hallway. I took a peak and saw Professor Snape,"Professor Snape. I was wondering if I could talk to you about my exam!" I said loud enough for the boys to here

"Ms.Potter. I can ensure you. You did quite well on your exam. But if you would like to look over it you may do so," He said in his monotone voice. 

He opened the door to his classroom and I followed in. I saw the twins on the other side of the door sneaking out. I followed him to his desk; he looked through his papers and found my test. He handed me the test and I looked over it. I got a perfect score,"Oh my I was not expecting this score. I know I studied everyday this semester but over 100 percent," I blinked at the paper

"You have your mothers talent," he took the paper back,"Off you go," 

I turned around as he sat down; an awful odor came from a desk I walked past and I ran. I ran out of the classroom and the twins followed me. We laughed as we ran all the way upstairs. I was falling behind the twins when Fred stopped and threw me over his shoulder. I held down my skirt as he ran to the common room. He ran up the stairs with George following. He threw me on his bed and jumped next to me laughing

"Professor Snape," mocked George

"I was wondering if I could talk to you about my exam!" mocked Fred

"Shut up. I save your asses from getting into trouble," I said sitting up

"Oh my I was not expecting this score," mocked Fred

"I know I studied every day this semester but over 100 percent," mocked George"I mean what was your score?"

"I think Snape likes Y/n did you hear him say"You have you mother talent' I mean he sound like he could kiss you," laughed Fred

"Ew!" I punched his shoulder

"You know you want to," said Fred smirking and laying down

I rolled over him and sat on his stomach smirking,"I said shut up," His eyes were wide and his face went red. I grabbed his hands and pinned them"Or else," 

He finally gained his words,"Or else what," he smirked

,"Or else this," I tickled his sides and his arms. He started to laugh and squirm. Once I was done I pinned his hands again and kissed his cheek close to his mouth. I got off of him and rolled off the bed. "I will see you boys later," I winked and flipped my hair off my shoulder before walking out of the dorm.

I headed to my dorm when I saw Hermione exiting,"Come on. Change into regular clothing." she dragged me into my dorm

I grabbed jeans and a black shirt with tennis shoes. Once I was done she grabbed my arm and we went to the twins room. She pounded on the door and George opened"Change now!" she demanded"Muggle clothes! NOW! You too Fred!" 

"WHy?" asked Fred smiling

"NOW!" hermione slammed the door

"Wait I forgot my necklace," I ran back to my dorm and grabbed my necklace 

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