The truth!

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"Y/n. We gotta meet up with the boys for Buckbeak thing today," Hermione grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room

"Okay. Okay," I followed her

We headed downstairs and walked to the common room. Harry, Ron, Fred and George all stood up and walked to us. We walked to the courtyard to Hagrid hut where we saw the executioner for Buckbeak. There were crows all around him cawing. I gulped and felt an hand slip into mine;I looked down to at my hand and up to see Fred. He gave me a reassuring smile.

"I cant believe they are going to kill buckbeak. Its to horrible," Hermione said walking through the bridge

We went outside to see Draco and the Goans snickering at the stone above Hagrids hut."It just got worse," I said looking at them

Hermione ran down and I let go of Freds hand to follow her.

"Looks who here," said the Goyle

"Come to see the show?" asked Malfoy raising his hands

"You! You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!" Hermione walks quickly bring her wand to Malfoys neck

"Hermione, No!" said ron

"He's not worth it!" I said, walking behind her with my hand on her shoulder

Malfoy was scared and shaking, which I wanted to laugh at but held it in. Hermione dropped her wand, and Malfoy became calm and laughed at her. Hermione turned and punched Malfoy in the nose, with him falling into a stone. His goonns, "Malfoy, are you okay?"

"Let's go. Quick"

"Not a word to anyone understood?"

They all ran away from us. I watch Malfoy slip as he was running.

"That felt good," said Hermione breathing heavily

"Not Good," said Ron "Brilliant,"

"Come on now. No flirting. Lets go to Hagrid!" said George pushing Ron alone

We ran down the steps to Hagrids hut and saw buckbeak in the pumpkin patch looking sad. I stood looking out the window when Hagrid and Harry went to the window. Fred and George were sitting on the couch. Hermione and Ron on chairs around the table.

"Oh,Look at him. He loves the smell of the trees when the wind blows through them," said Hagrid looking at Buckbeak.

"Why don't we set him free?" asked Harry

"They would know its me," said Hagrid"Dumbledore would get into trouble.He is coming down you know Dumbledore. Says he wants to be with me when they...when it happens,"

I sighed and looked down"Great man Dumbledore. Great man"walking away from the window

I turned around and a tear fell down my face,"Buckbeak doesn't deserve this. Malfoy provoked him,"

"We will stay with you to Hagrid," said Hermione

"You do no such thing. Think I want you to see something like that. No, you just drink your tea and be off," said Hagrid he turned around "Oh and before you do Ron," he opened a tine and pulled out

"Scabbers," said Ron walking to grab his rat "Your alive!"

"Told you mate he was alive," said George

"Closer eyes on your pets Ron,"

"I think that means you own someone a apologue," Said Hermione walking up to him

"Right next time I see Crookshanks. I'll let him know," said Ron leaning forward with holding Scabbers tightly

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