Merry Christmas!

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After a few days, Mcgonagall kept picking me and Remus up for hours on end to work on my powers. All my friends started to get suspicious; I asked Mrs.Weasley if I could show them and they all said no, Not till I have managed them. I had to lie to them saying Dumbledore needed to make sure I wasn't having visions as well. Everyone but Hermione, Harry and Fred didn't believe me. 


I was watching Y/n and Fred cuddling on the couch;she had a book in her hand reading while he laided on her stomach. It reminded me of when Lily and James would cuddle at Hogwarts. How much Y/n and Fred are like Lily and James is crazy. I walked to the kitchen,"Moony," 

"Padfoot whats up?" 

"Come check out Y/n and Fred," I waved him over 

"They better not be doing anything bad," he glared 

"Dont worry they are not," I smiled 

We walked upstairs and looking into the living room. Remus stopped and looked at them,"Thats how Lily and James used to lay," he whispered to me. I nodded"They really care about each other," I whispered

"I heard Y/n talking with Hermione and Ginny over the summer saying she wants a whole life with him," whispered Remus

"I heard Fred say the same thing with her to George. How much do you wanna bet he will propose next summer?" I whispered smiling

"10 galleons for when she graduates," whispered Remus

"So we both approve of them?"I whispered 

He nodded

"You know I can hear you both right," said Y/n looking at her book

Remus and I ran back to the kitchen


Remus and Sirius were talking about Fred and I. Truthfully I am glad they approve of him. I couldn't ask for a better guy. I hated that I was lying to him about my powers but it needed to be done. I placed my book down and watch Fred sleep on my stomach; I played with his hair. In three days we will have been together for a year. This has been the craziest, funniest, amazing, hot, and carefree year. I watched his eyes flutter around as he had a dream; his freckles dancing across his face, his mouth slightly ajar drooling on his sweater I am wearing. I kept staring at him watching him sleep so peacefully,"I love you Fred," I whispered playing with his hair. He moved slightly and hugged me tighter not saying anything. After an hour of laying there he mumble something I didn't understand. I looked at him confused as he mumbled it again; I couldn't understand him so I went back to my studying. 

Soon he woke up,"Sorry I didn't mean to drool," he said wiping his mouth

"Your fine babe," I laughed 

He sat up,"Did you get studying done?"

I nodded,"Yup," I smiled at him"Have a good nap?"

"Brilliant," he kissed my lips softly"Just brilliant,"

"I'm glad," I kissed him back"You mumbled something in your sleep just before you woke up," 

"I did? Do you know what it was?" he rubbed the back of his neck

"No I don't. I couldn't understand you," I smiled

"Okay," he nodded

"Do you remember what you said?" I tilted my head

"Yes. Its a secret," he smiled

"Okay?" I question standing up

"LUNCH KIDS!" yelled Mrs.Weasley

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