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The following week, I showed Professor Snape that Harry and I are not just celebrities. I sat down with Hermione in our study hall and began to start on my homework; "Eye of Rabbit, Harp string Hum, turn this water into rum," said Seamus

"What is Seamus doing to that glass of water," Asked Harry confuse

"Are you dumb? He just said to turn the water into rum," I said shaking my head

There was a large explosion from, Seamus that blew up the cup and smoked."Ahh, Mails here," said Ron as people were laughing. Owls began to fly into the great hall and drop packages along. Harry borrowed Rons Newspaper; I looked over to see Neville had a remembral,"Look Neveilles got a remembrall," said Dean

"I've read about those the smoke turned red it means you have forgotten something," said Hermione. That very second the smoke turned bright red

"The only problem is I can remember what I have forgotten," said Neville

"Nevielle Your robes," I said pointing at him

"Thank Y/n," he stood up and ran out of the great hall

"Hey Ron. Y/n. Somebody broke into Gringotts," I turned towards him "Believed to be the work of dark wizards or witches unknown. Gringotts goblins while acknowledging the breach insist nothing was taken. The vault in question number 713 had in fact been emptied that very same day,"

"That's odd. Thats the vault we went with Hagrid," I said looking very confused

"Yea," said Harry

We looked at Hermione and Ron who both at the same look of strange. I turned back to my books and continued to finish my homework when a piece of paper hit my head. I looked up to see Fred and George pointing at the paper. I unfolded the paper;

Do you want to play another prank today?-FnG

Sure but it has to be later because I have a flying class next-Y/n

I crumbled the paper up and threw it back at them. They both nodded and I went back to my work and finished up. We our way out to a field right outside the castle. There were brooms lined up, I walk to the bottom of the broom,"Good Afternoon Class," she said walking throw the row of people

"Good Afternoon Madame Hooch" the class responded

"Welcome to your first Flying Lesson. Well everyone step up to the left side of their broomstick," We all began to walk on up to the broom "Stick you right hand over the broom and say Up," I stuck my right hand over the broom"Up," it shot up right away along with Harrys. Hermione was angry that Harry got it before her, "With Feeling," said Madame Hooch "Up, UP, up, uP," Ron kept repeating until the broom smacked him in the nose. Harry began to laugh while I snorted "Shut up Harry Y/n," Ron said rubbing his nose.

"Now once you've got hold of you broomstick. I want you to mount it and grib tight. You don't want to be sliding off the end," said Madame Hooch as we all mounted the brooms"When I blow my whistle I want each of you to kick off from the ground hard. Keep your brooms steady hover for a moment then lean forward slightly and touch back down," she turned around "On my whistle 3.2." whistle. Before I could think Nevielle was already in the air higher and higher."Mr. Longbottom,"

"Neville what are you doing," I yelled scared for him

There were people talking to Neville trying to get him to come down. Thats when Nevielles broom took off in a flash"NEVILLE," Harry, Ron Hermione and I yelled. Neveilles broom was going crazy; Neville looked as though he had never flown in his life. "TOUCH BACK DOWN THIS INSTANT!" Yelled Hooch. I watched Neville hit the wall both at the front part and back part of the broom. Neville flew towards us and we dodged out of the way just in time for him to flew in a walkway and uparound the castle getting caught by a statue at the top of the castle wall, "HELP," yelled Nevielle

Mystery (Fred Weasley x Y/n Potter)Where stories live. Discover now