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As Harry and I walked into the forest not saying a word together. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly. I saw him take out the snitch and stop and I stopped with him. The snitch has the words,"I open at the close' on it

"We are ready to die," said Harry softly he kissed the snitch

The snitch open to a black rock which floated into the air. Harry brought our hands up and closed around it,"The resurrection stone," I felt a surged run through my body and closes by eyes. 

When I opened the I saw Mum, Dad, Remus and Sirius all standing around us. Mum held her hand out to us and I walked forward but couldn't touch her hand and mine went through,"You have been so brave, Sweethearts," said Mum

"W-Why are you here?" asked Harry."All of you,"

"We never left," said Mum 

Harry and I turned to Sirius,"Does it---Does it hurt? Dying?" I stuttered and tear fell down my cheeks

"Quicker than falling asleep," said Sirius

"You're nearly there, princess, son," said Dad

"I'm sorry," I said

"We never wanted any of your to die for us." Harry said as I sniffled holding my stomach as I picked my skin

"Remus your son," I said looking at him with tears down my cheeks

"Others will tell him what his mother and father died for. One Day, he'll understand,"said Remus

We looked at all of them,"Will---Will you stay with us?" I asked

"Until the end," said Dad

"And he wont be able to see you?" asked Harry

"No,"said Sirius,"We're here, you see," he pointed at our hearts

I looked at mum,"Stay close to us," 

"Always," she replied in a sweet tone. 

We dropped the stone onto the ground and walked onwards. We continued to walk deeper into the woods. We walked ahead and saw death eaters; Voldmeort had his back on us. I stepped on a branch making Voldemort look. at us. We continued to walk forward,"Y/n! HARRY!" yelled Hagrid,"NO! What are you doing here?!"

"Quite," said a death eater

Voldemort and us had a stare down,"Y/n and Harry Potter. . . . The twins who lived . . . comes to die," he raised his wand,"Avada Kedvera!" he yelled. The green light hit our chest within seconds and everything turned green. Everyhting turned balck

It slowly faded into a white shade. I opened my eyes and saw Harry string. We stood up in Kings cross station. We both looked cleaned and not dirt on our faces. I heard a noise from a bench and saw a weird looking creature maoning. It looked like a little version of Voldemort

"You cant help," said Dumbledore,"Y/n, Harry, You wonderful girl, boy . . .You brave woman, Brave man. Let us walk," 

I grabbed Harrys hand as we were both mad at him but we walked with him,"What is that?" asked Harry looking at the creature

"Something beyond either of our help," said Dumbledore,"A part of voldemort sent here to die,"

"and exactly where are we?" asked harry

"Kings cross," I said,"Only cleaner and without the trains,"

"Kings corss is that right," said Dumbledore,"This is, as they say your party. I expect you now realize that you two  and Voldemort have been connected by something other than fate since that night in Godrics Hollow all those years ago,"

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