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I woke up to Harry over me,"Y/n!" he hugged me

I rubbed my head,"Where are we?" I asked and looked to Hagrid who was on the ground,"Hagrid?"

"Hagrid?" said Harry"Hagrid! talk to us!" he shook Harry as I stood up from the debris and rubble.

"Whos there's? Is it the Potters? Are you Y/n and Harry Potter?" asked a man I didn't recognize

"They've crashed, Ted! Crashed in the garden!"

"Hagrid!" I said shaking him as I finished walked over.

The next thing I know was laying on cushions with a burning feeling on my shoulder and nose. My scar throbbing

"Hagrid?" I muttered opening my eyes,"Harry?"

I looked at a man with a big belly on the coffee table. I looked to Harry who opened his eyes"Hagrid fine, hun," said the man"the wifes seeing to him now. How are you feeling? Anything else broke? Y/n, I fixed your nose and shoulder. Harry I fixed your ribs, tooth and arm. I'm Ted by the way. Ted Tonks---Doras Father,"

Harry and I sat up a little to quickly ad the light popped into my our eyes.

"Voldemort---," I said feeling sick

"Easy, now," said Ted placing a hand on our should pushing us back down,"That was a nasty crash you has. What happened, anyways? Something go wrong with the bike? Arthur Weasley overstretched himself again, him and his Muggle contraptions?"

"No," said Harry; we grabbed our scars. Mine was pulsing like an open wound,"Death Eaters loads of them---we were chased---Y/n blacked out---"

"Death Eaters," said Ted sharply,"What d'you mean, Death Eaters? I though they didn't know you were being moved tonight, I thought--"

"They knew," I said

Ted looked at the ceiling,"Well, we know our protective charms hold, them, don't we? They shouldn't be able to get within a 100 yards of the place in any direction,"

I swung my legs off the sofa I looked up as Hagrid squeezed into the door with mud and blood all over him limping slightly.

"Y/n! Harry!" he knocked over two table and strides towards us pulling us into a hug,"Blimey, Y/n. Gave us a fright! Harry, how did yeh get out o' that? I though we were all goners,"

"Yeah, me too," said Harry hugging me tightly

"I cant believe---" I saw a women enter the room,"YOU!" I tried to find my wand as well as Harry

"Your wands here, girl, son," said Ted tapping our shoulders with them,"It fell right beside you, I picked it up and thats my wide you're shouting at,"

"Oh I'm---I'm sorry," I said bitting my lip

Mrs.Tonks resemblance to Bellatrix became less pronounced. Her hair more soft and light; eyes more kinder

"What happened to our daughter?" she asked,"Hagrid said you were ambushed; where is Nyphadora?"

"I don't know," I said feeling horrible,"We don't know what happened to anyone else,"

Her and Tonks exchanged looks. 'Great first impression to the wife of your godfathers parents' I thought

"The portkey," said Harry"We've got to get back to the Burrow and find out---then we'll be able to send you word, or---or Tonks will once shes---"

"Dora will be okay 'Dormeda," said Ted"She knows her stuff, shes been in plenty of tight spots with the Aurors. The Portkeys through here," he added to us,"Its supposed to leave in 3 minutes if you want to take it,"

Mystery (Fred Weasley x Y/n Potter)Where stories live. Discover now