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Fred had his arms wrapped around me holding me as we sat looking at Dumbledore for Cedric's memorial. I had tears in my eyes and saw Cho crying into her friend's arm. Harry was sitting beside me with Hermione and Ron and George on the other side of Fred. Everyone was upset and crying.

"Today,we acknowledge... a really terrible lose," said Dumbledore before standing up,"Cedric Diggory was as you all know, exceptionally hard-working infinitely fair-minded and most importantly a fierce friend. Now I think therefore you have the right to know exactly how he died," Dumbledore walked forward to us,"You see...Cedric Diggory was murdered.."I placed my head into Freds shoulder,"by Lord Voldemort," he held me tighter. Harry grabbed my arm and rubbed it,"The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this. But not to do so, I think, would be an insult to his memory," I looked at Dumbledore again"Now the pain we all feel this dreadful lose reminds me--reminds us--while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues. Our heard beat as one. In light of recent event,the bonds of friendship we've made this year will be more important then ever," I looked around at Viktor, Fluer, and Josiah along with my other friends in Beuaxbaton."Rememeber that and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain. You remember that and We will celebrate a boy who was kind and honest and brave and true right to the very end,"

Everyone stayed in silence for a while. Everyone slowly began to get up and walk to the courtyard. Harry and I walked to the other Champions; Fluer gave us both a hug tightly. Viktor shook our hands,

"Even with this horrible event," I said looking at them"I am glad. I met you,"

"I m too," said Fleur"I wilz be workin at ringotts bank witz Bill Weazley to improve me english,"

"That sounds nice," said Harry

"See youz both around," said Viktor

They walked away and I turned to Harry," I don't want to keep the money. It doesn't feel right,"

"I know," he said looking at me then over my shoulder"What about the twins? for their jokeshop! I know they lost all their savings to Bagman,"

"Brillant!" I smiled

We walked over to Fred and George and pulled them far away from Ron and Hermione. The looked at us in confusion,"Take this," Harry pulled out the Triwizard winning from his bag

"What?" asked Fred

"Take it," I said firmly"We don't want it,"

"Youre mental," said George pushing it back to Harry

"No We are not," Harry started

"You take it and get inventing. Its for the Joke shop," I smiled.

"They are mental," said Fred looking at me in awe

"Listen," said Harry"If you don't take this. We are throwing it down the drain. We don't want or need it. All we need is a few laughs. Everyone could; I have got a feeling we're going to need them more then usual before long,"

"Harry," said George grabbing the bag with hesitation"Theres got to be a thousand Galleons in here,"

"Yeah," I smiled"Think of how many Acid Pops that is,"

"Dont tell your mum where you got it...although she might not be keen for you to join the Ministry anymore, come to think of it," said Harry

"Y/n," said Fred

I pulled out my wand to face him,"Look. Take it or I will hex you. I know some good ones now. Just do us one favor okay? Buy Ron some different dress robes and say they're from you,"

Fred pulled me into a kiss,"As you wish,"

I smiled "Well I am going to see the girls," I walked away from the boys as they joined Ron.

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