Grimmuald Place

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It had been about 10 days since arriving at Grimuald Place. Mrs.Weasleys has been making everyone clean, which sucked. Sirius and Remus have been talking to me about how to use the necklace. Remus noticed the bruises on my legs, and I told him about the fight. Fred and I have cuddled a lot since I got here.

I woke up to someone jumping on my bed, "WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" yelled Harry

"GET OUT!" I threw a pillow at him"YOU ARE ANNOYING!"


I jumped out of bed and hugged him. "YESSSS!" I yelled, "GET OUT SO I CAN SLEEP!" I shoved him out of the room

I walked over to my bed and laid back down, cuddling into my pillow. The door opened again, "Harry, get out!" I heard a small chuckle and felt someone get under the blanket and arms wrap around me. "Good morning, love," I turned to Fred and smiled"Good morning, let me sleep," I said into his chest. He wrapped me tighter and I soon fell asleep.

I was woken up by him shaking me, "Love it's already 9 o'clock. Come on. You have to get up," I groans and hit him with my pillow and rolled over, "Love wake up," he laughed. I lifted my head to look at him and stuck out my tongue before placing it back down on the bed. I felt him leave the bed then a pair of arms around my waist pulling me out of bed onto my feet. I rubbed my eyes "Rude," I said trying to get back into bed but I couldn't.

"No love. Come on. No, sleeping the day away," he kissed my neck before leaving the room.

I yawned and grabbed clothes. I went to take a shower and got ready for the day. I left the bathroom and brushed my hair before putting it into a messy bun. I walked out of the bathroom and headed downstairs to the living room. I saw Sirius talking with the twins and Ron. I sat down on the ground, still trying to wake up,

"Morning, sleeping beauty," said Sirius

"Bugger off," I yawned

"Not a morning person?" he asked

"I haven't been sleeping well since the tournament," I said, looking down


"Yeah, anyways what were you all talking about?" I asked

"We were talking about mine and Fred's products. Got quite a few things thanks to...well know," said George. I nodded

"Who?" asked Ron

"Nothing," said Fred smiling

"Anyways, I am going to grab something to eat," I said, standing up. "Then it's back to bed for me,"

I laughed and walked out the door and down to the kitchen. I walked down to the kitchen to see Ginny, Cassandra, Hermione, and Mrs.Weasley all baking,

"Hello Y/n," said Cassandra"Sleep well?"

"Yup, I am just a bit hungry, but I can wait for lunch," I said, leaning on a chair.

"Nonsense. I'll make you some toast," said Mrs.Weasley

"You really don't have too Mrs.Weasley. I can wait," I smiled at her

"Are you sure?" she asked

"Yes, What are you all baking?" I asked, looking at stuff on the counter and tables

"Apple pies, brownies, cookies," said Ginny. "Wanna help with the cookies?"

"Sure," I smiled

"No having a flour fight like you did when you were at the burrow," said Mrs.Weasley

"But that's no fun!" I laughed"You have to have a flour fight so you can hug the boys,"

"Y/n," she said sternly

Mystery (Fred Weasley x Y/n Potter)Where stories live. Discover now