Detention or not?

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"Oh POTTER!" yelled George running to me in the halls

"What WEASLEY!" I laughed

"Have you seen your boyfriend?" he asked putting his elbow on my shoulder

"I thought he was with you. Maybe in detention. I don't know really," I shrugged"Your his twin. You should know where he is,"

"Like you know where Harry is," he scoffs

"Library second floor D.A.D.A section," I smirked

"Damn. Well if you see him let him know Lee and I need him," he said backing away

"OKAY!" I headed into the Great hall.

I walked over to Ginny and sat down next to her,"How is my favorite little sister/" I wrapped my arm around her shoulder

"Meh," she shrugged

"Whats up?" I asked confused

"Oh...Micheal...He has been acting weird lately," she said eating

"I'm sure its just stress about O.W.L.s plus don't worry your pretty little face about it," I smiled and loaded my plate

"Thanks," she smiled at me

I heard yelling from the Slytherin table and turned to look; of course it had to be Draco and his friends then I saw........Mattheo. He had a scar across his nose and cheek; he wasn't smiling with his friends just staring blankly at me. I tilted my head to signal I wanted to talk. He scoffed and looked away,

"Riddles back," said Harry looking at him

"I can see that. Hes not himself," I said looking at Mattheo then Harry

"He seems like himself," said Ron

"Well you don't know him like I do...Something must have happened," I shrugged and ate my food.

As I was eating, I felt eyes stare into my head; I looked in the direction of the Slytherin table to see Mattheo looking at me. I raised my eyebrows,'What' I mouthed. He looked away. I rolled my eyes as Fred sat next to me,"Your other half is looking for you," I said eating some salad

"Oh really now?" he smirked

"Yes. He seemed like it was urgent," I said looking at him

He kissed my lips and stole a roll off my plate before running out of the Great Hall. I laughed and rolled my eyes. I continued with my salad and talked with Ginny about the game against Ravenclaw coming up. As I finished lunch, I grabbed my bag and headed out of the great hall. I made my way to my Ancient Runes class; I sat down next to Hermione.

"Hey bestie," I laughed

"Hey bestie," she smiled,"Are we studing in the library later on?"

"I can't. I am going to hang out with Fred without studying today. I need a few days break of studying. Besides Valentines day is tommorow and we are going to hogsmeade," I said grabbing my book out of my bag.

"Thats okay. I have to meet Rita Skeeter tomorrow," said Hermione

I nodded,"If you want me to join I can,"

"Maybe later on in the day. You and Fred have plans," she winked

Class started and I kept feeling eyes on the back of my head. I turned to look Mattheo again; I rolled my eyes and paid attention in class. I wrote down my notes and listened to the teacher talk; I played with my ring as I continued to feel Mattheos eyes on me. When class was over I packed up my books and notes.

"Y/n," said Theodore

"Theo? Whats up?" I asked confused

"Here," he handed me a note

Mystery (Fred Weasley x Y/n Potter)Where stories live. Discover now