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"Malfoy, Do you know what potion Snape had us do earlier this week?" I asked, Crossing my arms

"Uh-no," said Draco

"If your not going to pay attention in class then I am not helping you," I snapped

"Fine. It was the laughing potion," said Draco looking at his notes

"What does it do?"

"Makes someone laugh?" asked Draco 

I rolled my eyes," The Laughing Potion is a potion that induced laughter in the drinker. It was an effective defense against the Banshee,"

"How do you know that?" he smirked

"By reading the potions book and paying attention in class," I said opening my book,"What are the ingredients?"

"I don't know," said Draco shrugginng

"How about you open your book," I said tapping on the book

"Why should I when I can look at yours?" said Draco grabbing my book

"You wont be able to read mine because I have notes in the margins for each potion," I grabbed it back,"If you arent going to take this study time serious then I am not helping you Draco," I stood up and started packing my bag

"Fine Potter," he opened his book"the ingredients are Alihotss,Billywig wings, Knarl quills, Puffskein hair, and Horseradish powder," 

"Correct. How do you brew it?" I asked sitting down

"Read the book," he snapped

"Malfoy," I crossed my arms

"Fill the cauldron with clear spring water," said Draco. I pointed to the water station and he grabbed his cauldron. Once he came back he place the caulron on the fire that wasn't lit,"Chop your leaves and add them to the cauldron then Stir slowly. (If you stir too fast you damage the leaves' mirthful properties.)" He chopped the leaves very messily,

"Stop that," I took the knife from him and did even chops"The neater the better," I placed the into the cauldron and Malfoy stirred the pot"Snigger at the potion Malfoy," He looked at me and shock his head,"You have to its apart of the potion,"

"Your messing with me," said Draco

"Am I messing with him Proffesor Snape?" I said smiling

"No she is not Mr.Malfoy," said Snape looking up from his book

"Fine," he sniggered at the potion. 

While I grinded up the Billywig wings and added them into the cauldron. Draco continued to stir the caulron"I'll take over you to the rest," He nodded and I took over string. He grabbed 4 Knarl quills" How many Knarl quills did you add," I asked looked at the pot"4" My eyes widen"Its 3 Malfoy! Read the book no more no less then THREE!" I stopped string and grabbed my potion book and showed him. "Oh," he laughed

"Mr.Malfoy. Your lucky Ms.Potter asked you how many Knarl Quills you put it because if she turned on the heat both of you would be severely burned," said Snape walking up to us. 

"Really?" said Draco surprised

"I'd rather not be burned! Malfoy, I have been helping you for a week with Potions, and you keep messing around. I am not going to be your tutor anymore. Find another one," I said cleaning up the station. 

"Y/n please," said Draco begging "I'll stop messing around,"

"Malfoy, No. I really like Potions, and all you do is make it miserable by you acting like you know nothing. Now I would get it if you struggle with this class, but you succeded in potions last year. You are also the third in our class behind me!" I stormed out of the classroom with my bag over my shoulder. 

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