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"I am off to the library!" I said waving bye to the twins

"Why school just started," said Fred

"I just want to do homework so I don't fall behind," I said turning around

"How much homework do you have?" asked George"Its literally our second day

"Well I have an assignment in potions and DADA," I sighed" and in herbology so Bye," 

I walked out of the common room and headed down to the library. I walked in and said my hellos to Madam Pince before walking and sitting on one of the couch. I pulled out my herbology homework and started my assignment. I felt someone sitting down next to me; I looked up to see it was the durmastrang boy that winked at me. I gave him a smile before returning back to my assignment. 

"Hello," he said in a thick assignment

I looked up,"Hello," I smiled

"Im Josiah, Josiah Popov," he held out is hand(his picture is up top)

"Y/n, Y/n Potter," I smiled and shook his hand

"Wait the Y/n Potter as in.."

"Defeted you-know-who with her twin. Yes I am," I smiled

"Cool," he nodded"Just to let you know that wasn't the reason I came over here. I just saw you in the Great hall on the first night and thought you were cute," 

I blushed slightly"I kind of guessed by how you reacted to me saying my name," I laughed slightly and close my book 

"Sorry bout that," he rubbed his arm"I just wasn't expecting the person I think is cute to be the Y/n Potter,"

"Well I am more than my name," I smiled and laughed

"I would love to get to know you," he winked 

"Same here," I smiled 

We talked about our hobbys and interest. He was quite funny and made me laugh a lot. We talked about quidditch and the world cup,"So your telling me Victor Krum is your best friend?" my jaw dropped

"Yup. I have known him since we were 5 years old," said Josiah

"Wow. One of my best friend Ron is a big fan of his," I smiled 

"Nice. Maybe I can introduce you to him sometime," He replied looking at me

"I'd like that," I smiled 

We continued to talk for a little while longer before he had to go to class. I turned back to my homework and continued it until someone else sat on the couch,"Did I see the Durmastang boy talking to you?" asked Hermione. I nodded still doing my homework. "Omg," she squealed before going to her school work

I finished my school work and looked up at Hermione. I saw Victor Krum looking at her from one of the aile of books. I smiled and packed my bag; I walked beside him,"Talk to her." I winked and walked away. He looked at me surprised before retreating to the aile further back. I walked out of the library and headed up to the common room. 

I walked inside and went up to my dorm and set my bag down. I walked out and headed to Harrys dorm and knock; Neville answered,"Hey Neville. We haven't talk since yesterday. How are you doing?" 

"I'm doing much better. Thank you for telling him to stop. He gave me a book for Herbology!" Neville smiled and walked to his bed

I followed in,"Thats great. Glad your doing all right," I smiled at him,"Are we still studying herbology?"

"Its kind of our thing by this point," Neville laughed 

"Alright bye Nev," I waved and walked out the door 

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