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I woke up and saw George standing over me. I felt arms around me and my arms hugging something. I looked up to see Fred holding me; my head was on his chest and out my legs over his. My eyes widen and I became red," Afternoon, Sleepyhead," said George

Fred was still fast asleep; I tried to remove his arms from me, but he pulled me in,"Five more minutes," I sighed"Freddie, come on, I think it's almost dinner time," Fred didn't answer. I looked up at George, who was looking at the photo with Lee. He handed me the second one, and I looked at it. I was laying on Fred, cuddling with him. My hair lay back as he hugged my back and hand a hand on my leg. I blushed at the photo,"Freddie get up," I looked up at him

"No,sleep" he smiled

I kissed his cheek,"Up," he released me, and I slipped away. I fixed my hair as he sat up; he saw George and Lee looking at a photo, 'What are you looking at?" he asked, trying to grab the photo

"Nunna," said George taking it away

I took my photo and placed it inside my pocket. The door opened, "Have you guys seen Y/n?" asked Harry "Oh Y/n. Where have you been?"

"I fell alseep in Freds bed. We were just heading to the common room," I said running my hands in my hair

"Okay, Ginny got released and is now waiting for all of us with Ron," said Harry looking in between Fred and I

We all walked down the stairs to Ginny; I brought her into a tight hug,"Im glad your okay," I whispered into her head. She smiled and I wrapped my arm over her shoulder. We headed down to the Great hall; when we entered the great hall everyone busted into applause. I smiled and we sat down at a spot on the table. I sat in between Harry and Ron with Fred,George, and Ginny across from us. Sir Nicholas was going down the way in between the tables talking to people. "Y/n its Hermione!" I looked at the door and gasped before standing up. Hermione and I ran over to each other and collided into a hug falling. "Dont ever leave me alone with these idiots again," I whispered into her ear. "I promise I wont," 

We stood up and walked to Harry and Ron. She gave Harry a big hug then went to Ron was about to give him a hug but settled on a handshake. ROn stuttered"Welcome back Hemrione," 

"Its good to be back!" she smiled"Congratulation. I cant believe you sovled it,"

"Well we had loads of help from you!" I smiled at her

"We couldn't have don't it without you," said Harry

"Thanks," said Hermione

We all sat down when a glass chimmed"Could I have your attention,please?" said Mcgonagall. Hermione high-fived Fred,George and ginny,"expect a hug later," she said to Ginny

"Before we begin the feast,Let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout, Madam Pomfey who mandrake juice has been so successfully administered to all who had been petrified,"

The hall bursted into applause and lots of cheering,"Also in light of recent events, as a school treat, all exams have been canceled," yelled Dumbledore. The hall entire hall began to scream and shout and cheer; I looked at Hermione who was sad and I laughed at her and cheered. The cheering continued as the doors became open;Hagrid walked in,"Sorry, Im late. The owl that delivered my release papers got all lost and confused," said Hagrid walking in the room"Some ruddy bird call Errol," I looked at Ron and laughed. 

Hagrid stopped at us,"Id just like to say that if it hadn't been for you Harry, Y/n, Ron, Fred,George, and Hermione of course..I would still be you-know-where...so id just like to say thanks,"

Harry stood up,"Its not Hogwarts without you Hagrid," and hugged him. I joined in the hug

(R.I.P to Robbie Coltrane /*)

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