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I was reading on the couch in the living room reading a book when someone jumped on the couch. I look up from my book,"Hey Harry," I smiled and looked back down."You excited for the food tomorrow?" asked Harry. I closed my book and set it down"More than excited. I am not expecting any presents. But I am glad to be away from the Dursleys," He smiled"Same here imagine how spoiled they are making Dudley. I am not excited to go back," he put my legs over his. 

I laughed,"Yes tell me about it. We are basically their personal servants," I rolled my eyes

"Yup," he laughed"Well ' stay up to late," he walked off to his dorm

"I won't" I opened my book and began to read it again. I felt the couch being sat on but I ignored it and kept reading,"Y/n," someone snapped their fingers in my face. I laughed"I am reading," Then the book was snatched out of my hands,"HEY!" I tried to grab the book back from George. "Nope,Its christmas eve! No reading!" said Fred. 

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms,"But I want to read!" I begged

"Nope your going to talk to us," said George

"I can talk to you guys while I am reading," I smirked

"No you cant. You will talk to us face to face," said Fred smiling

"I already am so therefore. I get to read again," I laughed and tried to get the book back but failed. 

"Nope," said George. 

I sighed"Fine, talk," 

"Are you excited about presents tommorow?" asked George

"I dont expect any because I never gotten presents before," I said looking down

"Really!?" said Fred surprised

"The Dursleys never really cared about Harry and I. Never got birthday or christmas presents," I shrugged and kept looking down

"Wow," said George

I nodded"Can we please not talk about this?"

"Of course Y/nn," said Fred wrapping his amr around me

We contiuned to talk about the first part of the year and the kind of pranking we got into,"I still cant believe I have my first detention and its a week long," I complained with my head on the pillows behind me. The twins laughed"First time for everything. Oh speaking of first times have you kissed anyone Y/n?" said George. My eyes widen and felt red in the face; Fred just looked at me waiting for an answer"No,"

"What?" asked Fred

"You mean the prettiest first year has not had a kiss," said George

"Shut up boys," I rolled my eyes"I am not the prettiest," 

"Yea you are. Your blind if you can't see other first years or second. Even some third years looking at uou," said George nudging Fred

"Everyone looks at me because I am the girl who lived," I rolled my eyes"That's probably why they look. I see it everyday, literally everyone stares and I ignore it,"

"That might be it but you have to think maybe its something more," said George winking

"Gross. First off I am not ready for kissing," I gagged"Second off, I dont care if people stare at me. I lived a horrible curse and they are just jealous," I whiped my hair from my face.

The twins bursted out laughing "Shut up," said Fred laughing

"Make me," I smirked

Fred grabbed my face and squished it to face him. Our faces were inches apart and I could feel his breathe on my face,"Rawr," I said in his face and began to laugh and pull away. I laughed and fell off the couch laying on the floor. The twins were laughing as well when I stood up off the ground,"Rawr," I said brushing myself off and straightening myself out. "That was really funny Y/n," said George. I nodded"I know," I giggled. I looked at Fred who was looking down,"You okay Fred?"

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