Im dying!

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"Harry!" I yelled as he threw the quaffle to Ron who was on the other team. I raced Ron and grabbed the quaffle and flew to score,"WE WIN!" I yelled"50 to 40," I laughed and flew down. Once harry landed I slapped the back of his head"Hey!" he yelled

"You almost made us loose. Lucky I was close enough to safe your butt," I laughed

"Y/n you really good at quidditch," said Ginny

I walked over to her,"Thank Gin," I smiled and wrapped my arm over her shoulder


We all walked inside and headed up to our rooms. I grabbed pajamas and changed into them when a knock came on the door. "Come in," I said tieing my pants loop

"Good night Y/n. Good Night Ginny!" said Mrs Weasley

"Good Night," we said in unison

She closed the door and we headed for bed. Ginny quickly fell asleep with me shortly behind her. 


I woke up in the middle of the night with something strange on my legs. I looked down under the covers and saw blood. I quickly stood up and grabbed my bedding and headed downstairs not to wake Ginny up. I walked to the kitchen and lit the lamp before cleaning the sheets off. I emerged the bloody sheets in the kitchen sing filled with hot water and scrubed it out with a brush. I was crying "Y/n?" said Mrs.Weasley coming down the stairs

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I woke you up!" I said frantically, scrubbing the sheets, "Im so very sorry. You should just send me back to the Dursleys," 

"What do you mean dear?" asked Mrs.Weasley "What are you doing there?"

"If you want to send me to the hospital for the remainder of my days. I will understand," I said, adding soap to the sheets."I'm dying,"

"Y/n your not dying," said Mrs. Weasley at my side

"Please plant roses at my grave," I said with tears on my face

"Y/n," said Mrs.Weasley,"You are not dying. You are in your womanly flowering time, and its perfectly normal,"

"But Im not ready to be a woman!" I practically yelled

"Well its natures plan and that the way of it," said Mrs.Weasley

I leaned on the sink with my back"There must be some kind of mistake," I cried"There is no way I am ready to become a women,"

"Now,lets get you sorted out," said Mrs.Weasley"You will need pads or tampon but for starting we will do pads to wear on your undergarments. Lucky for you I have tons,"

"This cant be happening," I whispered to myself

"Then when finished just throw them away in the trash after you wrap them in toilet paper," said Mrs.Weasley handing me a package

"Do you have to deal with this too?" I asked crying

"Yes dear," she said smiling"for many years," 

"YEARS!" I yelled

"Your cycle is just a few days every month," said Mrs.Weasley

"Every month! but Why? What is this happening now?" I said in shock"Everything was fine just for once," Mr.Weasley came running downstairs 

"Arthur out," said Mrs.Weasley]

"Y/n whats wrong?" Mr.Weasley said looking over Mrs.Weasley shoulder to the sink

"Everything," I cried

"I said out!" yelled Mrs.Weasley

Mr.weasley "Okay," his eyes were wide and ran back to their room

"This is a waking nightmare," I cried

"Y/n calm yourself," said Mrs.Weasley

"I hate this. I hate this," I cried

"there now," she said, rubbing my back with her hand"Perhaps you should go shower and head to bed. You will want to sleep in tomorrow. I will make sure the boys don't bother you," 

"T-Thank You, Mrs.Weasley," I cried and smiled

"Run along, dear. After your shower, bring down those clothes, and I will wash them for you," said Mrs.Weasley

I nodded and headed upstairs and grabbed new pajamas, and went to take a shower. I passed by the twin's room when the door opened"Y/n you okay?" asked Fred. I turned knowing I had red eyes, "I don't know," I cried and ran to the bathroom. I took a long hot shower and changed into my new pajamas. I opened the door to see Fred and George standing outside, "Y/n are you okay?" asked George. "Boys bed," said Mrs.Weasley walking up the stairs" She is just tired," she grabbed my dirty clothes from my hands. Fred and George walked to their bedroom and closed the door. 

"They are noisy aren't they," said Mrs.Weasley

"It's my fault for yelling and waking them up. I am surprised no one else woke up," I laughed and walked downstairs. 

"I put a hot towel on your bed for cramps," said Mrs. Weasley

I nodded and crawled into bed and placed the hot towel on my stomach. I quickly fell asleep

(A/N- I used one of my favorite shows Anne with an E for this part. I just thought it would fit the best)

I woke up the next morning to see Ginny not in the room. I slowly got up and stood up letting the towel fall to the ground. I grabbed the towel and hung it on the bed before grabbing clothes and going to change in the restroom. Once I changed and placing the clothes in the hamper and grabbed a book;I head downstairs to the kitchen," Afternoon Y/n," said Mrs.Weasley"Sleep well?" 

"Yes, thank you for last night," I smiled

"Your welcome. The boys and Ginny are outside playing if you want to join them," said Mrs.Weasley

I walked outside to see Ginny flying a broom with her brothers and Harry sitting on the ground watching. I sat next to him,"Hey Harry," 

"Hey Y/n. Are you okay? Fred and George said they saw you crying last night," said Harry

"I am okay. Just girl stuff," I said opening my book

"Girl stuff?" he asked

"Nothing you need to know," I said reading

"Y/n/n," said Ginny "Your awake," 

"Yup," I smiled

"You okay Y/n?" asked Fred

I nodded and kept reading," She said Girl stuff whatever that means," said Harry. I slapped him on the head and shook my head

"What?," said George 

"What is girl stuff?" asked Ron

"Nothing you need to know," said Mrs.Weasley"Lunch is ready. Well I guess breakfast for you Y/n," she laughed

I stood up and walked inside the house to eat lunch. I sat beside Ginny, "So what are we doing today?"

"I was thinking we could swim," said Ginny. I looked at Mrs.Weasley, and she nodded

"Sounds fun!" I smiled and ate my food 

"Y/n maybe you want to play chess later on?" asked Ron

"Sure. I don't know how though so I will need help," 

"I will help you," said Fred

I smiled"Thanks," 


After a long day of swimming and playing chess I caught onto pretty easily with help from Fred. I was tired; I laid my head on Harry's shoulder and feet on Georges's lap on the couch and cover it with a blanket before falling asleep. 

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