Triwizard Tournament

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Hermione,Ron, Harry and I were all sitting on the train. I was reading my book as the trolley lady came; I stood up as she stopped at our compartment. I grabbed my money"2 acid pops, packet of droobles, and 3 chocolate frogs," She handed me the candies and I paid before Ron bought his candies. Harry just stood beside Ron looking at someone; a girl with black hair. 

When he turned around I noticed he was bright red  and I made a mental note to tease him later,"This is horrible," said Hermione reading the daily prophit,"How can the ministry not know who conjured it? Wasn't there any security?"

"Loads," said Ron eating"According to Dad. Thats what worried them so much. Happened right under their noses," 

Harry touched his scar. My scar was still in a little pain but ignored it,"Your scars are hurting again arent they?" asked Hermione

"I'm fine," said Harry

"You know Siriurs and Remus would want to know what happened at the world cup and the dream," said Hermione

"We already told them about the dream," I said lookingnout the window"I guess we should write tonight about the world cup,"

"Now!" said Hermione

I sighed and pulled out parchment, ink and my quill. I wrote Remus a letter talking about the world cup and everything that happened before tieing it to Juniper and sending her off. 

"Well I am going to go see some of my friends," I said turning around

"Okay," said Hermione

I walked out of the compartment with my candies and walked down the way. I opened Cassandra compartment,"I can't believe its your last year!" I said hugging her

"I know. Don't you worry! I will write to you!" she hugged me back

"Please do! I will miss you like crazy!" I said tearing up 

"Its going to be okay," she kissed my head

"Y/n. Whats going on with you and Fred?" asked Angelina

"Oh well we are friends. Why?" I said looking at her

"No I mean do you like him?" she leaned forward

I closed the compartment door;it was only Cassandra,Angelina,Alicia, and Katie in the room. "Yes I do like him! But I don't know if he likes me back. He has been sending me mixed signals," 

The girls squealed,"What do you mean by mixed signals?" asked Katie

"I mean his letter during the summer were so sweet and caring but when I get to The Burrow he is just distant," I said leaning against to door

"He really need to figure it out," said Angelina"Even when I dated him he was confused about you," 

"I know everyone can see they like each other. It is so obvious," said Alicia

"We need to help them figure it out," said Cassandra

"Off you go Y/n. We are going to work on it" said Katie pushing me out of the compartment

I shook my head and walked down the way; I walked past Mattheo and his friends when the compartment door opened,"Not even going to say Hi are ya?" 

I turned around to Mattheo,"Well I didn't want to bother you guys," 

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside,'You are not bothering anyone," he said sitting down

In his compartment it was Draco,Crabbe,Goyle,Blaise,Theodore,Pansy, and himself. All of them looked at me like they seen a ghost,"Why is she in here?" asked Pansy

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