Outside Fun;)

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"Well, we cant do anything about the---"Ron mouthed 'horcurxes'--"till Y/n and Harry are 17. They still got the trace on them. We can plan here as well as anywhere, can't we? or," he whispered,"Dyou reckon you already know where You-know-whats are?" 

"no," said Harry 

"I think Hermione has been doing a bit of research," said Ron,"She was saving it for when you got here,"

Fred handed rested on my thigh rubbing it. 

"The trace'll break on the 31st," I said,"That means we only need to stay here for 5 more days. Then we can---" 

"Five days," said Ron correcting me,"We've got to stay for the wedding. They'll kill us if we miss it," 

I nodded forgetting I am a bridesmaid of Fleurs. 

"Its one extra day," said Fred

"Dont they realize how important--"

"Course they don't," said George with his head wrapped,"They haven't got a clue. and now you mention it, Ron wanted to talk to you about that," 

"Mums been trying to get it out of Hermione and I. What we're off to do. She'll try you nest, so brace yourself. Dad and Lupin have been asked as well but we said Dumbledore told you not to tell anyone except us, they dropped it. Not Mum though, Shes determined," 

Harry and I looked at each other. 

"Love, lets cuddle on the couch," said Fred lifting me from my chair. He plopped me down over the couch. He buried his head into my chest as we cuddled. I soon fell back asleep. 

"Pst Y/n," i waved my hand wave,"Pst Y/n get up," they grabbed my hand and pulled me off the couch

"Ow," I whinned as my head hit the ground

"Sorry Y/n," said Ron,"Mum wants to talk to you," 

I flipped over and glared at him,"Did you have to pull me off the couch?" 

"No...but Fred got up to use the bathroom and Mums been waiting," said Ron

I stood up,"Where is she,"

"In the kitchen," said Ron 

I walked to the kitchen,"Ron said you wanted t-t-to see me?" I yawned 

"Yes Y/n. Ron and Hermione seem to think that you, four are dropping out of Hogwarts,' she said in a casual tone

"Yeah we are," I said looking at her chopping food

"May I ask why you are leaving your education?" she said 

"Well Dumbledore left Harry and I some things to do.Ron and Hermione know about it and want to come. I cant say what kind of stuff. Ron and Hermione dont have to come, its their choice, Mrs.Weasley,"I explained

"I dont see you you two have to fo either,"she snapped,"Youre barely of age, any of you! Its utter nonsense, if Dumbledore needed work doing, he had the whole Order at his command! Y/n, you must have misunderstood him and you took it to mean that he wanted you---"

"I didn't misunderstand," I said flatly,"Its got to be us,"

She looked at me for a moment then nodded


Over the next two days, Mrs.Weasley kept Harry, Ron, Hermione and I separate. She didn't know about Fred and George coming with us. Fred and I haven't had a moment alone with just us. 

At dinner Mr.Weasley explained to Harry and I how after Dumbledore death, their secret keeper, each of the people to whom Dumbledore had confided Grimmuald Place location had become a scert-keeper in turn.

Mystery (Fred Weasley x Y/n Potter)Where stories live. Discover now