Dark Forest

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"Thank you Hermione for the study schedule. It is really going to help," I said, grabbing it from her

"Hermione, the exams are ages away," complained Ron 

"Ten weeks," said Hermione"That's not ages; that's like a second to Nicholas Flamel," 

"But we're not six hundred years old," said Ron"Anyways what are you studying for, you already know it all," 

"What am I studying got? Are you crazy? Do you realize that if we don't pass these exams, we won't get into the second year? They are important," said Hermione"We should have started studying a month ago," 

"Hermione. We have to tons of homework to do," I said "I think we will be okay," 

Everytime we had free time We were in the library. It had been weeks since I hung out with the twins or talked to them really. The teachers piled so much homework that it took the whole Easter break to  do complete everything. Hermione and I were studying in the library when Harry and Ron came in with their books,"I'll never remember this," said Ron slamming his book down. I gave him the tricks I use to study and memorize stuff which seemed to help a little. I went over to the Herbology section to grab a few books when I saw "Hagrid! What are you doing in the library?" He moved into view quickly"Just looking," he said off putting."What are you lot up ter? Not still looking for Nicolas Flamel, are yeh?" 

"We found who he is ages ago and we know what the dogs guarding," I said walking back to the table

"What else is guarding the stone Hagrid?" asked Harry

"Come an see me later," said Hagrid


After we were done studying, we headed down to Hagrid Hut. When we got into the hut which was hot inside.The fire was blazing and all the window seemed to be fogged up."So-yeh wanted to ask me about something?" said Hagrid dirring down

"Yes," said Harry

"We were wondering if you could tell us what guarding the Socercers Stone beside Fluffy?" I asked

"Im sorry Y/n I cant," he replied"Number one I don't know meself. Number two, yeh know to much already, I wouldn't tell yeh if I could. That Stone here fer a good reason. Almost stolen from Gringotts," 

"Oh come on Hagrid you might not want to tell us but you do know because you know everything around here," said Hermione

"We only wondered who done the guarding, really," said Ron

"We wondered who Dumbledore had trusted enough to help him," said Harry

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to tell yeh...he borrow Fluffy from me...then some the teachers did enchantments. Professor Sprout-Professor Flitwick, Proffessor Quirrell and Professor Snape," said Hagrid

"Snapes protecting the stone?" asked Harry

"He is not about to steal it," said Hagrid "Alright you heard, I am a bit preoccupied today," 

There was a rattling sound coming from the fire,"What is that?" I asked. Hagrid took out a oval shaped thing and was wincing at the heat from it. He set it onto a table and we walked around the talk to look at it,"Uh Hagrid what exactly is that?" asked Harry. 

"That? Its a- It um" stutter Hagrid

"I know what that is," said Ron "But Hagrid how did you get one?" 

"I won it," said Hagrid happily "off a stranger I met down at the pub. Seemed quite glad to be rid of it as a matter of fact," 

The eggs started to crack and shake along the table; Hermione and I backed up as the shell completely snap apart to reveal a dragon. "Woah," I said looking at the baby dragon The dragon was looking at all of us and I was memorized by it.

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