First day of 6th year Pt 2

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"Will you become the Head Assitant Student Healer?" asked McGonagall

"YES!" I squealed.

Dumbledore gave me the badge,"Now Madam Pomfrey needs your schedule to see when you can come and help,"

I nodded and pulled it out. Madam Pomfrey walked to her office with me,"Now reviewing your schedule. I know you have quidditch tryout coming up when?"

"Saturday at 12pm,"

"Okay," she wrote some things down on a piece of parchment,"Would you be willing to spend your whole sundays here? Of course you would have breaks and time to study? I just need to spend sometime with my Husband because he is ill," 

"Oh course. I don't mind. You can also put me down for tuesdays night because I have no classes until late in the afternoon on Wednesday. Saturdays are tricky because of Quidditch and Hogsmeade trips. Is there anyway if you need me that you can signal to me," 

"Your badge. If I need you it will change from gold to black,"  she said writing stuff down 

"Does this look good?" she handed me a parchment"The empty blanks are for you to decided; if you want to study and do your homework

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"Does this look good?" she handed me a parchment"The empty blanks are for you to decided; if you want to study and do your homework. be with friends or Come up here." she walked around the desk to me,"Your teacher know that if you need to leave all you have to do is raise your hand and tell them Poppy needs me," 

"Okay," I said Pinning the badge on next to my quidditch captain badge

"Go with your friends. Its the first day of school," said Pomfey

I hugged her tightly before running out of the hospital wing. I ran throughout the halls trying no to run into first years searching for their classes. I ran up to the common room and jumped over the couch to join my friends,"Whats up with you?"asked Ron

"IamthenewHeadAssitantStudentHealer.Theyjust createditthisyearandIamsobloodyhappy," I said out of breathe and really fast

"What?" asked Harry

"I am the new Head Assitant Student Healer. They just created it this year and  I am  so bloody happy," I said catching my breathe

"So what do you do?" asked Hermione interested

"So If this badge," I pointed to the badge," Turns black I can leave class to go help out the Hospital wing. I am staying over night on Tuesdays since my class is late in the day. I get to award points and take away points. I also get to run all of the student helpers but everyone that was helping before has left," 

"THATS AMAZING Y.N" yelled Harry tackling me in a hug

"I want to write to Remus, Fred and Mrs.Weasley," I said jumping up 

"Well we got a while for our next class. It is" Harry checked the clock,"11:30 and our class is at 2," 

"Lets do homework," I suggested,"Dont want to fall behind,"

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