Dursleys leaving

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I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when harry walked in and punched my aside,"Why are you bleeding?" 

"cleaning out my trunk," he said

I nodded and spat out. 

We walked back to our bedroom and completely cleaned our trunks for the first time in 6 years. I saw old debree of papers, quillds, beetle eyes, and socks that didn't fit. I found a old badge of Support Cedric Diggogry and it switches to the potters stink. A cracked Sneakoscope, and jewelry.

"Sirius old mirror," said Harry holding a package

"Keep it with you during our trip," I said throwing away the trash,"Why is there a tea cup in the bin?" 

"Dudley," said Harry

I nodded. I piled all of my school and quidditch robes, cauldron, parchment, quills and my textbooks in the trunk and pushed it to the corner of the room. Harry and I packed our clothes,potion-makingkits, some books, the photoalbum, Marader map, stack of letters, and our wands in two rucksacks. 

Juniper was sound asleep in her cage as I walked over,"Hi Juni," I petted her making her wake up. She nussled her beak into my hand before going back to sleep

"Oi YOU!" yelled Uncle Vernon. 

I turned around and headed to the door as I knew he was talking to Harry and I. Harry seemed to focus on the mirror as I walked down stairs,"BOY!" Vernon yelled. Harry appeared at the top of the stairs a second later

"You took your time!" roared Vernon,"Get down here, I want a word!" 

I finished walking down with my hands in Freds hoodie pocket. Once Harry and I reached the living room all three Durselys were dressed for traveling; Uncle Vernon in a zip-up jacket, Aunt petunia in a pink coat and Dudley in a leather jacket. 

"Yes?" I asked

"Sit down!" said Vernon. I raised my eyebrows and made a spark out of my hand,"Please!" he added. I smirked and Harry and I sat down. 

I watched as Uncle Vernon paced around the room,"I have changed my mind," he said stopping

"what a surprise," said Harry. I chuckled

"Dont take that tone---" began Aunt Petunia in a shrill 

"Its all a lot of claptrap," said Vernon,"I have decided I don't believe a word of it. We're staying put, we are not leaving," 

I shook my head; for the last 4 weeks Harry and I have been trying to convince them that they are in danger. Its leaves them with unpacking and packing the car about 50 times. 

"According to you," Veron said pacing again,"we--petunia, Dudley and I-- are in danger, From---Form--" 

"Some of 'our lot' right," I said

"Well, I don't believe it," he stopped in front of me,"I was awake half the night thinking it all over, and I believe its a plot to get the house," 

"The house?" I repeated,"What house?" 

"This house," Shreiked Vernon with his vein pulsing,"Our house! House prices are skyrocketing around here! You want us out of the way and then you're going to do a bit of hocus-pucus and before we know it the deeds will be in your names!" he pointed at my ring

"Are you out of you mind?" I demanded standing up and getting into his face,"A plot to get this house? Are you actually as stupid as you look!" 

"Dont you dare--" squealed Petunia but Vernon waved her down

"Just in case you have forgotten," said Harry as Vernon and I were glaring at each other,"We have got a house, my godfather left for us. Y/n and her fiance, Fred, are going to get a place. Why would we want this one? All the happy memories?" 

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